Tell me the full name of CLT?
Communicative language teaching
Tell me the full name of TPR?
Total physical response
When did the TTT method come to Uzbekistan?
What is Communication?
Communication— phone, message, internet, email, news, writing, media, listening, discussion, website , sender, television,conversation, announcements
Tell me the full name of ESL?
English as a second language
Who is the founder of the TPR method?
James Asher
What is the role of a teacher in CLT?
The teacher facilities communication in the classroom. Counselor, need analyst. Independent participants. Group processes manager
Tell me the full of CLIL?
Content and Language Integrated Learning
What is the PPP in simple words?
Presentation Practice Production
Communicative approach was created as a result of the work of experts of the European Council at the beginning of what years?
Tell me the full of SLA?
Second Language Acquisition
Audio— lingual approach is based on.....
Speaking listing
What is the technique of CLT?
Communicative language teaching uses almost any activity that engages learners in authentic communication. functional communication activities in which communication is involved and social interaction activities such as conversation and discussion sessions dialogues and role plays
Tell me the full of NNEST?
Non-native English Speakers in TESOL
Who is tpr method mainly designed for?