Influences on the Founding Fathers
The Road to our current government
U.S Constitution and Florida Constitution
U.S Constitution
Being a Citizen

This Enlightenment thinker was known for his idea of Natural Rights (Life, liberty, and property) and for the Social Contract (the idea that the government and the governed have an implied contract with one another)

John Locke


The name of the original Constitution which resulted in failure

The Articles of Confederation


The opening section of the U.S Constitution

The Preamble


Which amendment includes the 5 freedoms of Speech, the Press, Religion, Petition, and Assembly

First Amendment


What is an obligation of citizenship vs a responsibility of citizenship?

Obligation- something you have to do 

Responsibility- something you should do as a citizen 


This charter forcibly signed by King John in the year 1215 made England a limited monarchy where citizens had trial by jury, a parliament, and the king no longer had absolute power. 

Magna Carta


What publication encouraged Colonist to break free from Great Britain?

Thomas Paine's- Common Sense


The Florida Constitution is easier to amend that the U.S. Constitution. True or False?



The name for the section of the Constitution that is made up of the first 10 amendments

The Bill of Rights


What are three obligations of citizenship 

Obey laws, Pay taxes, defend the nation, serve on the jury when summoned, got to school


This Enlightenment thinker coined the term "Separation of Powers" meaning the government power should be divided among different branches

Baron de Montesquieu 


A revolt led by poor farmers that showed the Founding Fathers that they had to make changes to their current government

Shay's Rebellion


What is the 2-step process to amending the Constitution?

2/3rds vote of both houses of Congress to propose and 3/4ths of state legislature needed to ratify


Match each of the branches of government to their proper article in the Constitution

Article I- Legislative Branch

Article II- Executive Branch

Article III- Judicial Branch


What is the law of blood AND the law of soil

Law of blood- you take on the American citizenship of your parent/ parents

Law of Soil- If you are born in the United States then you are automatically a citizen 


This contract was signed by some of the first settlers to the U.S. It stated their plan for SELF- GOVERNMENT

Mayflower Compact

The only branch of government that existed under the Articles of Confederation

Legislative Branch


True or False? The U.S Constitution is much longer and more specific than the Florida Constitution. 

False. The U.S Constitution is known for being short and vague which is why the federal courts (specifically the Supreme Court) are so important 


Amendment that protects us from unreasonable search and seizure 

4th Amendment 


What group of your peers are you allowed to have present during your trial according to the 6th and 7th amendment?

A jury


This British document heavily influenced the American Bill of Rights. It included right to trial by jury, no cruel and unusual punishment, etc.

The English Bill of Rights


Document that listed the colonists grievances against King George III, officially stated that the U.S would be separating from Great Britain, and making it clear to the world that they were open to trade

The Declaration of Independence


Tell us 2 Principles of the U.S. Constitution.

Rule of Law, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balance, Popular Sovereignty, Limited Government, Federalism


This clause states that Federal Law always trumps State Law AND that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land

Bonus: Where can this clause be found?

The Supremacy Clause

 Bonus: Article VI (6)


Tell me any three steps in becoming a citizen

Be a lawful permanent resident of good character

Have lived in the U.S for 5 years

Have a working knowledge of English

Complete a submit application 

Have an interview and take a test

Attend naturalization ceremony and take oath of allegiance to the U.S

