What to do when you see someone begin Abused?
Talk with them to see if they want help.
Financial or material exploitations
illegal or unauthorized use of individual funds, assets, property, power of attorney, and etc.
What is Hygiene?
What is ANGER?
an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong.
what is the first real of fire safety?
get down, get low, get out
what the signs of sexual abuse?
Unwanted touching and all types of sexual assault
What coins make up 25 cents?
quarter, two dimes and a Nickle and etc
What are 5 good hygiene practices?
frustration, stress, irritation, and rage.
in school they teach you to do what in a fire?
stop, drop, and roll
physical abuse is
bruises, black eye, welts, cut and rope marks
A spending and saving plan base on your expected income and expenses
What are 3 examples of poor hygiene?
Wearing dirty, smelly socks.
Wearing smelly, stained, or dirty clothes each day.
Infrequent showering.
3 types of anger
Passive Aggression, Open Aggression, and Assertive Anger
who do you call when there is a fire?