Rhetorical analysis

Adora believes she must save the world and that there is no other hope firmly resting the weight of the world on her shoulders.  

What does the italicized word say about Adora’s intent? 


A) It emphasizes the fact that she does not want to save the world. 

B) It demonstrates how much she feels it is her responsibility to save everyone. 

C) It displays the writer’s willingness to express the characters emotions in an easy-to-understand way 

D) It conveys to the audience subtly how hard it is to take care of everyone in the world the story takes place. 


B)It demonstrates how much she feels it is her responsibility to save everyone. AKA SAVIOR COMPLEX.


There are different types of evidence. A Bar graph is what kind of evidence.

A)Categorical evidence 

B)Quantitative evidence 

C) Qualitative evidence 

D) Testimonial evidence


B) Quantitative evidence


What is the aim of the synthesis essay? 

A) To Facilitate conversation between sources using your own voice. 

B) To Summarize the sources and deliver it in an essay 

C) To Talk about each source in a vacuum 

D) To Rehash the same material repeatedly 

A) To Facilitate conversation between sources using your own voice.


Identify the Rhetorical term in this statement. 

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." 

This quote was coined by the pigs in George Orwell’s Animal Farm.  

Which rhetorical device is being used 

A) Anecdote  

B) Asyndeton 

C) Allegory 

D) Apostrophe  

E) Paradox 

E) Paradox


2) What is considered the most important sentence in your argumentation paper? 

A) Thesis statement 

B) Topic sentence  

C) A factual statement in your introduction 

D) Counterargument 

A) Thesis statement


How do you structure your body paragraphs in synthesis essay? 

A) Claim evidence Commentary 

B) Evidence Claim Commentary 

C) Claim and Claim 

D) Commentary and claim (no evidence) 

E) Evidence upon evidence without your own voice 


A) Claim Evidence Commentary


Identify the mode of discourse and rhetorical device present in the following excerpt. 

Jason’s father was a man of few words. In tight situations, he spouted the stock image equivalent of motivational speaking. “Be bold. Be brave. Be brief.” A set of words etched onto his coffee mug. As much as Jason loves his dad, he just wished he would come up with some new material. 

A) Narration and parallelism 

B) Description and synecdoche  

C) Division and classification and hyperbole 

D) Narration and anaphora

E) Definition and exemplification and anaphora 

D) Narration and anaphora


) The element of your argument that elevates the initial argument and demonstrates the writer's credibility when handled well 

A) Topic Sentence  

B) Line of reasoning 

C) Thesis statement 

D) Conclusion 

B) Line of reasoning


What is the minimum amount of synthesis sources you must utilize when composing a synthesis essay? 

A) At least 2 sources 

B) At least 6 sources 

C) At least 5 sources 

D) At least 3 sources 

E) At least 1 source 

D) At least 3 sources


Difficulty- medium  

Carefully read the following excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address. Identify the purpose within the Rhetorical situation. 


It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 


A) To inspire the soldiers to keep fighting for the sake of the fallen soldiers 

B) To give birth to government 

C) To unearth the possibility of freedom 

D) Dichotomy between the dead and the living 

E) Crush your enemies! 

A) To inspire the soldiers to keep fighting for the sake of fallen soldiers


4) The author of parental magazine is writing an article on the discipline of children with the stance advocating for the use of gentler parenting styles opposed to the more physical parenting styles. Identify a counterargument that affirms this stance in the best way possible. 

A) `Abusers may argue that gentle parenting could lead to weak minded disrespectful children, however these gentler parenting styles have been proven to foster critical thinking skills and healthy self-esteem. 

B) Naysayers would argue that children need to be whooped but they are wrong. 

C) Despite nagging critics, those whose opinions are, though valid, hold no merit when it comes to raising our future. 

D) On the contrary, children need a whooping there is no denying that therefore my whole argument thus far has been pointless.  

A) Abusers  may.... healthy self-esteem


Which of the following sentences best synthesizes the following source best? 

Prompt TLDR; Using at least 3 sources, synthesize an argument which determines whether the media has incentivized individuals to engage in misinformation despite their viewers best interests. 

A) As shown the source B, trump spewing flames is meant to refer to his hated filled speech attacking the poor reporter with it. 

B) The flames represent his toxic breath. It is so bad it scalded her face (Source B). 

C) Inviting someone like Trump unto such a widespread national platform is a surefire way to spread misinformation to the masses. It is like taking in hot coals in your bosom and expecting not to be burned (Source B). 

D) Ratings are by no means a justifiable reason to allow lunatics on tv let alone news networks. Rather, content of character is more important in situations such as these to ensure the preservation of integrity (Source B). 

C) Inviting… expecting not be burned 


Which school of thought does the following excerpt primarily appeal to? 

“Now, I’ve never shared this so publicly because it is a painful memory. But my father would come home drunk once or twice a week and he would scream and hit us and scare my mother. I did not hold him totally responsible because our neighbor was doing the same thing to his family, and so was the next neighbor over.” 

I. Logos 

II. Ethos 

III. Pathos 

A) I and II 

B) II and III 

C) II and III 

D) Only II 

E) Only III 

III. Pathos


From the following prompt, Identify a defensible thesis from choices on the board. 

Many people spend long hours trying to achieve perfection in their personal or professional lives. Similarly, people often demand perfection from others, creating expectations that may be challenging to live up to. In contrast, some people think perfection is not attainable or desirable. Identify a solid thesis that defends the value of striving for perfection.  

A) Though quite demanding, the pressures of perfection put people in positions which foster their growth and bring out the best in people. 

B) However, it is absurd that humans are required to maintain an unrealistic standard of behavior, which goes against our human nature. 

C) Though both sides of the same coin, perfection can either be a good motivator or a deterrent when trying to complete a task, however, it must be managed appropriately to enable individuals to function effectively and efficiently. 

D)Contrary to popular belief, perfection does not enable growth but rather crushes those who cannot compete against parameters set by society

A) Though quite demanding,... best in people.


Which sentence best synthesizes the following source for the corresponding prompt?

 School is a space of definitive discovery, which makes trial and error a key stage in one’s cognitive development. Synthesize a response that adapts the following source below. 

A) As the graph shows, people prefer pencils above all other school supplies because they are simply the best (Source E). 

B) As the source displayed, the eraser is considered the least important school supply (Source E). 

C) There are twice as many pencils as erasers in the classroom, which expresses the idea that students can make mistakes which can be safely learned from (Source E). 

D) Pens have nothing to do in the classroom (Source E). 

C) There are twice as many pencils... which can be safely learned from.
