Federalist Era
Manifest Destiny
Civil War

Was the first president of the United States

Who is George Washington?


This man won the election of 1796, the first election after Washington resigned, making him the second President of the United States.

Who is John Adams?


Jackson gave voting rights to this group of people.

Who are poor white men?

These are the three places that settlers travelled to during the time of Manifest Destiny.

What are California, Oregon, and Texas?


These two things are considered the main two causes of the Civil War, though there are many more reasons.

What are slavery and states' rights?


These were the first two political parties in our country's history.

Who are the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists (Democratic-Republicans)?


This expedition helped the US to learn about many different aspects of the lands in the West, including the geography, the animal and plant life, and the human populations.

What is the Lewis and Clark Expedition?


This is the name for Andrew Jackson removing what he thought were corrupt officials in the government, and appointed people loyal to him into many different positions.

What is the Spoils System?


This event occurred when over 300,000 people went to San Fransisco in the hopes of getting rich.

What is the California Gold Rush?

This person's election as President of the United States was the driving force behind many southern states choosing to secede from the Union.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


This was added to the Constitution as a way to protect people from the central government's new powers.

What is the Bill of Rights?


These wars were fought between the United States and the Pirate States of North Africa.

What are the Barbary Wars?

This was an alleged deal between John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay where Clay would get Adams elected by the House of Representatives if Adams made Clay his Secretary of State.

What is the Corrupt Bargain?


This was built as a way to quickly get all of the settlers out to the western frontiers during Manifest Destiny.

What is the Transcontinental Railroad?


The Confederate attack on this federal military fort is considered the official start of the Civil War.

What is Fort Sumter?


This was Alexander Hamilton's financial plan when he served as Washington's Secretary of the Treasury.

What is the federal government would take on the states' debts?

This law was passed as a way to punish Britain and France for their attacks on US ships.

What is the Embargo of 1807?

This political tactic arose during the election of 1828 between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson where the candidates used lies, rumors, and misinformation to smear the other candidate.

What is mudslinging?

Many people were hesitant to annex Texas because they were afraid of upsetting this.

What is the Free State/Slave State balance in Congress?

This court case determined that slaves were considered property, and not people who have rights.

What is Dred Scott v. Sandford?


Democratic-Republicans, like Thomas Jefferson, believed the government should be based on this form of economy.

What is Agrarian-Based economy?

This person helped Lewis and Clark on their journey across the western frontier.

Who is Sacagawea?

Andrew Jackson helped the US win this battle at the end of the War of 1812 that made him a war hero.
What is the Battle of New Orleans?

This treaty ended the Mexican-American War, and granted over 500,000 sq. miles of Mexican land to the United States.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?


This law allowed states to choose for themselves if they would become a slave state or not, thus cancelling out the Missouri Compromise.

What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?