The realm of Ice
What is Jotenheim
She posses an Item that Loki stole and used to shape shift and fly
What is Freyas cloak of falcon feathers
My name is Signy, and my visions told me that my marriage would bring destruction to my father and our family. this father of mine ignored my warning.
Who is Sigi, or King volsung
My hammer was stolen and I trraveled with that wretch Loki to get it back. I fooled that giant Thrym disguised as this Goddess!
Who is Freyja
I am Sleipner and my "mother" is a dubious character.
Who is Loki
The realm ruled by Hella
What is Helheim
He was given this gift from Loki that allowed him to Speedily travel the 9 worlds
what is Odins Horse Sleipner
The first two sons I bore, I deemed to stupid to be of any use. I had my brother slay them.
Who is Signi
It was I that pitted the dwarves against each other in a contest to see who crafted the finer works. And knowing that I needed one to fail, I shifted into a fly and bit the dwarf repeatedly in order to distract them.
Who is Loki?
I met with Thor on the road and introduced myself as Skrymir. He was friendly enough at first. But Had I not used my magic Thor would have killed me in my sleep! We parted ways but when we met again he saw me as I truly am, a King!
Who is King Utgard-Loki?
the realm that Thor is sworn to protect
What is Midgard
I carry this Spear and it never misses its mark.
What is Odins spear Gungnir
I was the only brother that was not slain by the wolf sent to devour us by my sisters husband.
Who is Siggeir
I went to court disguised as a man named Gestumlindi. There the King agreed to settle the case through a series of riddles. When he could not answer the last one he rightfully guessed who I was. I then shifted into a falcon and it was then the king cut off my tale feathers. But worry not for me, I prophesied for him his death by servants!
Who is Odin?
The Goddess Freya resides here
What is Folkvangr
I had this fashioned and tipped in mistletoe. I gave it to Odr so that he could slay his brother.
What is Lokis arrow?
It was I who came as a stranger on the eve before King volsungs daughters wedding. And I left a sword as a gift burried to its hilt in the great halls ancient tree Branstock.
Who is Odin?
The shining palace of Gladsheim resides here
What is Vallhalla
My sword has a name, it means "Dain's legacy" and once unsheathed it can not be resheathed until it has slain someone.
What is King Hognis sword Dainsleif
My story is not in the Volsung Saga but I married the last of their line. I did not know the great family she came from when we wed.
who is Ragnar Lothbrok
I am the daughter of Bolthorn, a powerful frost giant! I had a son with Borr, son of Burri. (as-man or Aesir)
Who is Bestla? Or who is Odins mother?