Quick Question
Who Are You Going To Call?
Academic Advising 101
Policy Questions
Course Registration

When does the Fall 2024 term officially start (15-week term)?

Tuesday, September 3rd 


Who within the Catto Team can provide feedback on why a student has a "Bursar Transcript" hold listed on their account that is preventing course registration.

Hint: 2 team members

Paul Tamke and Rebecca Commons


Name 2 reasons why a course may not apply towards the graduation requirements for students in the Health Care Studies major?

Hint: Failing a course will not be an accepted answer.

Developmental course, receiving a "D" in a course, or attempting a course that does not apply towards the graduation requirements.


True or False: Excused withdrawals are not counted as an attempt when awarding financial aid.

Excused withdrawals are not counted in determining academic progress; however, excused withdrawals are counted as an attempt when awarding financial aid.


Where can students locate their course schedule on the CCP Portal outside of the registration system?

Answer: Enrollment Profile

Click on "Enrollment Services", then "Student Services" and then "Enrollment Profile".


Scenario: It's the first week of classes and my courses are not showing up in Canvas. Why might this happen? (2-3 explanations required)

1.) The instructor of the course has not published the page.

2.) The course does not begin until the 10-week term or 7-week term.

3.) The student was dropped from the course due to low enrollment or not meeting the pre-requisite requirements. 


What is the contact information for the office that oversees the Math and English placement testing?

Hint: We are looking for the email contact.



True or False: Submitting a dual admissions intent form is considered an official application to a 4-year institution.



Students are required to receive a BLANK in ENGL 101 to be eligible to enroll into ENGL 102.

Answer: A letter grade of a "C" or higher. 


How can a student verify in the registration system that they are only searching for 15-week courses?

To receive points for this question, please show the audience how to input this option on the registration system.

Select the "15 week term" option on the "Part of Term" attribute in the registration system.


Scenario: 7 calendar days have passed since the beginning of the 15-week term. What is the name of the form that students can submit to ask for permissions to enroll into a course?

Late Registration Form


Name the office that oversees transcript evaluations, reviews AP reports, etc. 

Hint: We are looking for the name of the office or the email contact information. 

Transfer Credit and Placement Office

Email: Traneval@ccp.edu 

Office #: (215) 751-8866


What is the name of "the tab" that students click on from the CCP Portal to access MyDegreePath and the Dual Admission Intent form?



What are advantages of dual admissions? Describe 3. 

A.) Application fee waiver

B.) Scholarship opportunities

C.) Guaranteed acceptance into the academic institution 


What is a HyFlex course?

The hybrid flexible or HyFlex course format is an instructional approach that combines face-to-face (F2F) and online learning. Each class session and learning activity is offered in-person, synchronously online, and asynchronously online. Students can decide how to participate at any given point in the class.


Representatives from these two departments can submit a change of major form on behalf of students.

Office of Academic Advising and the Counseling Department.


What is the email contact for the Allied Health Admissions Department?

Hint: Students contact this office with questions related to the application process for programs such as Nursing, DMI, RCT, DH, etc.?



What is the name of the feature on MyDegreePath that allows students to see courses that will or will not apply to a new intended major?

What-If Analysis 


What are the requirements that students must meet to submit a graduation application?

A.) Completed 42 or more credits

B.) Have a 2.0 cumulative GPA or higher

C.) Be enrolled into the remaining graduation requirements


What is the maximum # of credits that a student can attempt during Summer term 7A or 7N and will the registration allow the students to enroll into more than the max # if credits?

8 credits and Yes. 


Once the term begins, how many calendar days do students have to adjust their schedule without needing instructor permission and without academic/financial penalty for the 15,10, and 7-week term.

15 week term = 7 calendar days

10 week term = 5 calendar days

7 week term = 2 calendar days


Who is the main point of contact for Dual Admissions related questions? 

Sandra Gonzalez-Torres 

Email: dualadm@ccp.edu (preferred)

Office #: 215 751-8476


Can you name 5 programs that have "program entry requirements"?

Nursing, Biology, ASL/INT, Dental Hygiene, Mathematics, DMI, RCT, MLT, Computer Science, Engineering, Chemistry, Business Accelerated, Music Performance, etc.


Finish the sentence: If a student is marked as BLANK at the 20% mark of the semester, this will appear on the students official academic transcript. 

True or False? 


Answer: Any students who are reported as Never Attended/NA in a course at the 20% point will have their financial aid recalculated to remove this course and financial aid will be disbursed including only those courses in which the student began attendance 


Scenario: A student is planning to attempt more than 18 credits during the Fall Term. 

Where do students access the credit overload request form and what is the credit overload policy?

To receive points for this question, please show the audience how to locate form and describe the credit overload policy. 

The College grants overloads to students who have earned at least fifteen (15) college-level credits at Community College of Philadelphia and are in good academic standing with a minimum 3.0 cumulative CCP GPA. Students who wish to enroll in more than eighteen (18) credit hours during the fall or spring semester or more than eight (8) credit hours in a summer session, must request approval prior to registration.
