Who is the first Messenger
Nuh (عليه السلام)
What is the year in which the Prophet was born called
ʿAm al-Fīl (the year of the elephant)
How old was Muḥammad (ﷺ) when he became a Prophet
40 years old
How many are the pillars of Imān
They are six: To believe in (1) Allah, (2) His angels, (3) His Books, (4) His Messengers, (5) the Last Day and (6) the Divine Pre-Decree
How old was the Prophet when the first verses were revealed
40 years old
Which Prophet was given the Zaboor
Dawud (عليه السلام)
In the second year of the Hijrah, the Qiblah was changed from Jerusalem to the Kaʿbah
At what age did the Prophet (ﷺ) marry Khadeejah (رضي الله عنها)
At the age of 25
What are the three questions of the grave
(1) Who is your Lord, (2) what is your religion and (3) who is your Prophet?
What is the greatest verse in the Qurʾān
Ayat al-Kursi
For how many years did Nuh (عليه السلام) call his people to Islam
950 years
What is the name of the individual who sought to destroy the Kaʿbah, and in which sūrah is this story mentioned
For how many years did the Messenger (ﷺ) give daʿwah in Makkah
For 13 years, then he migrated to Madīnah
What is the greatest obligation of Islam and what is the greatest prohibition
The greatest obligation of Islam is that of tawhid; to worship Allah alone, and the greatest prohibition is shirk, and that is to associate partners with Allah.
How many sūrah's are there in the Qurʾān
The nation of which of the Prophet got flipped over, so that the highest part of the city became the lowest part
The nation of Lut (عليه السلام)
In what century did Imam Bukhari die
He died in the 3rd century Hijri, in the year 256 AH
In what year was the first migration to Abyssinia
In the 5th year of Prophethood (not Hijri)
Name the three levels of Islām
The three levels of Islām are: (1) Islam, (2) Iman and (3) Ihsan (striving to attain perfection in worship)
Over how many years was the Qurʾān revealed
23 years
Which Prophet is referred to as the father of the Prophets (Abu al-Anbiyaʾ) and why?
Ibrahim (عليه السلام), and that is because every Prophet after him was from his decendants
Who from the scholars of the Salaf was persecuted for saying that the Qurʾan is uncreated
Imam Ahmad
The majority of the legislations of Islam were only revealed after which major event
They were revealed after the migration of the Prophet (ﷺ).
What was the first form of shirk: How did it occur, and in the time of which Messenger
The first form of shirk was going to extremes in venerating the righteous, and it occurred in the time of Nuh (عليه السلام), 10 generations after Adam (عليه السلام)
What is the greatest chapter in the Qurʾān
Sūrah al-Fatihah