This has a subsection referring to inadequate care or supervision
What is neglect?
The Founding First Nations will be enacting their legislation by whom
What is the Onikanew
Much like Voldemort, this form shall not be named...
What is the SCCN (Because it's now called the Intake Template)
In the 70/20/10 theory, what does the 70 refer to?
What is doing?
Who said the following "ain't going down till the sun comes up"
Who is Garth Brooks
Emotional injury is what section of the legislation?
What is CYFEA s.1(2)(f)
This is the system you'll enter your referral info into once your have access/are in Edmonton/Calgary
What is CIDOS
This person fills out the Intake Template or CS11191
Who is the practitioner
What does CCR stand for
What is collaborate case review or Creedance Clearwater Revival (both will be accepted)
Who is the manager of the PRRG?
Who is Shauna Asselstine
What does CYFEA stand for?
These type of calls are not logged into CICIO
What type of call goes to an intake meeting
What is "all calls that are determined to be a report"
Name one phase in the action learning cycle
What are: gather info, analyse info, take action, track results, reflection
What is lava called before it comes out of the volcano?
what is magma
PSECA stands for what?
Protection of Sexually Exploited Children Act
This is the tool used to analyze all calls deemed a referral and report, either in CIDOS or CICIO
What is the Intake Template(CS11191--bonus points)
What are the three options for response time?
immediate, one day, standard
Name 3 other CCA/CCRs
What is: words and pics; trajectories and timelines; my three houses; safety planning; mapping
What is Bob Dylan's real name? (need full name)
What is Robert Zimmerman.
This is not required as part of alleged harm to meet the requirements for a report
What is: impact, severity, duration, frequency (one will be accepted)
Name one of the First Nations in the Founding First Nations
What is Lubicon Lake , Loon River, or Peerless Trout
Name three categories of assessment for the map for intake
what is alleged harm, reported danger, complicating factors, existing strengths, existing safety
What is group supervision.
Who said the following: " They have money for war but can't feed the poor"
Who is Tupac