Mrs. Sullivan's first name.
Who is Kyley
This type of graph uses bars
What is a bar graph?
The most famous electric type
He'll never give you up, never let you down...
Who is Rick Astley (Rick Roll)?
Mrs. Sullivan's favourite drink
What is coffee?
When the data in a graph trends downwards in a line
What is a negative trend?
He is going to Katchem all!
Who is Ash Ketchem?
Wow! So Meme! Very Funny!
Who is Doge?
She loved playing this instrument in 8th grade
What is the alto saxophone
A line that evenly divides the data to predict trends
What is the line of best fit?
Fire, water, and grass type pokemon are always offered
What are starter pokemon?
Oops I did it again. She broke out onto the scene in her early teens!
Who is Brittney Spears?
Something Mrs. Sullivan is currently growing in her backyard.
What are cucumbers, strawberries, peppers, herbs (all answers accepted)
When a radio host asks his listeners to go to his website and answer an open survey on his hosting skills...
What is voluntary bias?
Bulbasaur's vine arms do massive damage
What is vine whip?
In 2015 Katy Perry danced with this wonky sea creature on stage, he successfully stole the show.
Who is left shark?
Mrs. Sullivan grew up here
What is the GTA (Mississauga or Toronto)
A manager surveys the first 30 people arriving at a spa about their favourite service choices. They use this data to determine what all spa's in the area should offer.
What is convenience sampling?
Probably Ash's most difficult pokemon to train. This beast never listens.
Who is Charizard?
Known for his unhappy demeanor this furry friend landed a massive contract, making him the face of the internet in 2012.
Who is Grumpy Cat?