What book series written by Dav Pilkey features a half-man, half-animal creature who solves crimes
Are non-fiction books arranged by numbers of letters?
Are fiction books ordered by numbers or letters?
The first step in the research process is
Choose a topic
Making a rude or hurtful comment on someone's social media post is an example of:
What book series features two kids named Jack and Annie who go on adventures?
The Magic Treehouse
What does the three letters on the book spine sticker of a fiction book represent?
Example: STI
The first three letters of the author's last name
In order to know what to look up, you need to come up with research _____________ about your topic
True or false, a strong password is one that contains personal information like your address or last name.
Shel Silverstein is an author who is famous for writing these types of books:
Hint: Where the sidewalk ends
What do you call the system used to categorize non-fiction books?
Dewey Decimal System
How do you know if fiction or non-fiction just by looking at the spine?
If the book is fiction, the white sticker on the spine will say F for Fiction.
What are three types of resources you can use to do research?
-Websites/online databases
-First hand account like an interview (primary source)
What do you call someone who breaks into your online accounts without permission?
Who is the author of the Goosebumps book series?
How are Biographies ordered in the library?
In ABC order of the last name of who the book is about
How do you know a book is a picture book just by looking at the book spine?
The white sticker on the book spine will have a letter "E" for Easy Book (what we sometimes call picture books)
When you do research, you learn new things about your topic. What are two different ways you can share what you have learned with others?
-Write an essay
-Give a speech
-Write a poem
-Act it out
-Do an art project (diorama or collage for example)
To create a strong password, you should use a mixture of ___________, _________ and ________.
Letters, numbers and symbols
Graphic novel about living green organisms up that are up against the walking dead. Who will win?!
Plants vs. Zombies
Non-fiction books are in number order from 0-999.
What number group would you find animal books in?Choices: 100's, 200's, 300's 400's, 500's, 600's, 700's, 800's or 900's?
Where are the two different types of fiction books we have in the library?
Picture Books (also known as EASY books) and
Chapter Books
When someone researches an event and then writes about what they have learned it's called secondary source.
When someone witnesses an event first-hand and they share that experience through writing, giving an interview or photos, its called a ___________ source.
What isn't it a good idea to meetup with someone you've ONLY met online?
-It can be dangerous!!
-They might not be who they say they are