Jacob called himself this name until he was 3.
What is Gabit?
Solid colors; lots of rectangles; studs; mini figures.
What are Legos?
This Star Wars costume was handmade during the pandemic from a popcorn tin, a bike helmet, and a kickball.
Who is Darth Revan?
Jacob played this instrument since 5th grade.
What is the trumpet?
Jacob and Julie published 22 (+/- 1) issues of this jaunty informative magazine.
What is Unique Interests?
This character was Jacob's first toy from the movie Cars, even before he saw the movie.
Who is Mater?
Who is Bob the Builder?
Jacob wore this costume for Halloween and then wished that trick-or-treating started after the sun went down.
What is the bird costume?
Always the main attraction at the zoo. Your aunt knows (ant nose?) this one.
What are anteaters?
Jacob has a 1700 (+/- 15) Elo rating in this game of strategy.
What is chess?
Jacob loved this pre-school program at Voorhees High School.
What is Little Vikes?
Red, Bomb, Chuck, Hal, Mighty Eagle.... versus pigs.
What are Angry Birds?
Reindeers are better than people.... including this fur-clad character that Jacob played in the middle school play "Frozen."
Who is Kristoff?
The first girl Jacob held hands with.
Who is Ava?
Jacob rotates between 17 (+/- 10) of these warm clothing items that are not allowed in prison.
What are hoodies?
Jacob kept this food in his mouth so long that it was still there after a nap.
What is salmon (or, as he called it, "turkey")?
This person wore overalls to Jacob's tractor-themed birthday party.
Who is Sir Pop?
Jacob played this character in a church play while wearing sunscreen, a visor, and a big red cross on his shirt.
Who is Joe?
This superhero fights for intergalactic justice and is also known as Jason Walker.
Who is The Unknown?
65 (+/- 30) of these institutions sent Jacob mail this year.
What are colleges/universities?
This animal was on Jacob's favorite "big boy" underpants.
What are dinosaurs?
This birthday party theme used Nilla Wafers as ears on the cupcakes.
What are monkeys?
This Halloween costume used 3 boxes for the heads; 1 to wear and 2 to throw.
Who is The Wither?
Jacob's favorite High School teacher, Mr. Franzyshen, teaches this subject.
What is A.P. Government?
Jacob laughed at 4,927 (+/- 4,000) of these online images.
What are memes?