Climate Challenge
Camping and Hiking
First Aid
Meeting Systems
Special Events

What animal is on the Climate Challenge badge?

Polar bear


What kind of shoes should you NOT wear when hiking?

High heels or flip flops


What are some ways to prevent sunburn, tick bites, and poison ivy when spending time in the woods?

Sunscreen, bug spray, long sleeves, long pants, long socks


Complete this sentence:

On my honor, I will try

To serve God and my country,

To _______________,

And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

help people at all times


What did we do while we were waiting to march in the Memorial Day parade?

Made our Swaps and our troop banner


Name one activity we did at our first Climate Challenge meeting at the Community Garden.

Made a bug hotel

Worked in the garden

Did a Biodiversity Scavenger hunt


Name three items in a mess kit

Bowl, plate, mug, fork, spoon


Who was the special guest who came to our First Aid meeting?



What is the Kaper Chart job for the person who closes out the meeting?

Friendship Squeeze Starter


What is the name of the park where we held our Cookie Booth?

Owen Fish


For our Household Elf badge, we learned lots of ways that we can conserve energy and water and reduce waste and pollution at our homes. Name one of them.

*Conserve water - shorter showers, only water in the early morning/late night, turn the faucet off when brushing teeth

*Conserve energy - don't leave lights on when not being used, open windows rather than using AC

*Reduce waste/pollution - compost food waste, use Green cleaning products, have household plants


Why is it important to stay on the trail when hiking?

So you don't get lost, so you don't disturb the small animals/wildlife living near the trail, so you don't get poison ivy, etc.


What should you do if you find a tick on you?

Remove the tick with tweezers by grabbing it close to the body and pulling directly away from the skin

Wash the area with soap and water

Apply antibiotic ointment

Show the tick to an adult and monitor for rash/symptoms


What is the Kaper Chart job for choosing the dance party song?

Music Master


What was your favorite part of Camporee?

*Accept any answer*


What activity did we do to learn about how engineers address climate change by changing the way they build buildings so that they can withstand strong hurricane winds and floods?

Gingerbread house Challenge


Name 5 items you should always pack when camping.

*Any 5 camping items*


When should you call 9-1-1?

Only in an emergency


The Girl Scout Law says:

I will do my best to be....

(Name two of the things)

honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely, make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout.


What was our group goal for cookie sales this year?

2,000 boxes


For your Climate Challenge Action project, what did you make signs to promote to the school?

Milk carton recycling program

What does poison ivy look like?
3 leaves, long stem in the middle, mitten shaped leaves on either side, etc.

Name 3 items in your first aid kit.

*Accept any three items included*


What would be a good job to add to our Kaper Chart?

*Any good idea*


What was your favorite thing in Girl Scouts this year?

*Any answer is a good answer*
