What year was the first virtual convention held globally.
He was humble and modest, but also arrogant. He hunted and tried so many times to kill one thing while also being hunted by that same thing. He was also considered the first king of Israel. Who am I?
King Saul
In revelation what is the number of those who are sealed, and will join Jessus in heaven?
Where was Jesus born?
Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
In Egypt during Moses time there was 10 plagues, name 3 of them.
2. Frogs appeared from the Nile river.
3. Dust turned to gnats.
4. Plague of big flies. (Gadflies)
5. Livestock in Egypt died.
6. Moses threw dust in the air becoming festering boils.
7. Hailstorm
8. Large swarm of locusts.
9. Darkness for 3 days.
10. first born being killed
In 2023, what number of School of Gilead have we reached?
A. 72
B. 200
C. 57
In 2023 students participated in the school of Gilead 153
My king had a strange dream, I was the only one who could interpret it. This helped me become close to the king. I loved my father, and my brothers, my grudge is now gone. Who am I?
The 12 apostles of Jesus are:
Peter, Andrew
James, John
Philip, Bartholomew
Mathew, Thomas,
Thaddaeus, Simon, Judas and ____
Which one is missing from this list?
What is the name Jesus was given before he came to earth? (Archangel)
What is considered Jesus first miracle?
He turned water to wine.
In what year was the first Gilead school taken?
A. 1943
B. 1978
C. 1914
D. 1999
The first school of Gilead was February 1, 1943
I went to preach to everyone, but no one wanted to listen. I just wanted to save everyone from gods destruction. At least it stopped raining. What a beautiful sunny day. Who am I?
True or False:
In Egypt during the 10 plagues, only four of them effected the Israelites.
Only 3 (1-3) affected the Israelites.
In who's name do we pray to?
Before Jesus resurrected Lazarus how many days was he dead for?
When was the first bible, Jehovah Witnesses published, first released?
A. 2013
B. 1950
C. 2020
D. 2000
The first part of the New World Translation was released in 1950 and then released in sections through 1960.
I saved my people by going to their king and begging him to spare my people. After a misunderstanding which was about to have all the Israelites murdered. However, after inviting him to a meal, I was able to save my people. Who am I?
How many books are in the bible.?
A. 72
B. 120
C. 66
D. 80
What age was Jesus when he began his preaching work?
He was about 30 years old.
On Mount Carmel, this prophet made a test against a king who worshiped Baal. They competed to see which of their gods would listen to them, by answering with a fire to their offering. The prophets of Baal could not get their God to answer. However, when Jehovah was asked, he sent a fire from heaven to burn up the offering on a alter. Who is this Prophet?
Prophet Elijah
What is the name of the first original song released in JW Brodcasting?
A. Just around the corner
B. We wont forget you
C. The best life ever
D. Give you my all
C. The best life ever
Good evening my name is Saul, or at least I was. I don't know how many of Jehovah's people I murdered but that's in the past. I'm now an apostle, and referred to as?
Apostle Paul
Finish this bible text:
Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his _______, and all these other things will be added to ____.
Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these other things will be added to you.
In what year did God enthrone Jesus as king?
True or false
During Paul's ministry, while he was speaking a man name Eutychus, fell asleep and fell of a window having to be revived from the dead?