What is Daniels address?
29021 Bouquet Canyon Rd., Sp 371
What is Faustino’s Address?
24934 Walnut St., #202
What is the Main Street Carlo lives next to?
New Hall Ranch Rd.
What month is David born in?
What is the number for an Emergency?
What is Daniels Birth Month
How many quarters are in $1
4 Quarters
What is the danger of having your phone out while crossing the street?
Hit by a car, run into something, it is dangerous
What is Davids favorite color?
Blue Green
What do we do if a stranger wants to take you somewhere alone?
Ignore them, run or walk away
What City does Daniel Live in?
Santa Clarita
Can Fuastino Name all the months of the year?
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
What country‘s flag is red, and has a huge red leaf on it?
What car does David drive?
Jeep Wrangler
How do you make a Pizza?
Crust, sauce, cheese and pepperonis
What State does Daniel Live in?
If David has $20, and buys a $3 doritos bag, how much change does David get back?
How many $20 dollar bills are in $100 dollars?
What does 24/7 365 mean?
24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
What is the taxes of 197.30
What Country does Daniel Live in?
The United States of America
What are the Major Holidays in the year?
New Years, St. Patricks Day, Valentines Day, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas.
How many days are in 1 year? How many months are in 1 year? And how many hours are in 1 day? How many days are in 1 week?
365 days are in 1 year, 12 months are in 1 year, and 24 hours are in 1 day, and 7 days are in 1 week
How many dogs does David have?
Where do polar bears live?