A patient with bilateral pain hurts on
both sides of the body
combining form for tongue
Type of adoption occurs when the adoptive parents meet and may stay in contact with the birth parents
open adoption
allows a person to bring an unwanted infant to a designated location and give them up anonymously
Safe Have infant protection law
Process of creating a genetically identical biologic entity
dorsal cavity includes
cranial cavity, and spinal cavity
combining form for windpipe
Euthanasia- means to withhold a life-saving treatment and let the person die
allows the court to make decisions for the child
Parents patriae doctrine
our morals are shaped from
parents, socialization, backround
something that can be measured and observed by others.
can be part of a living will. indicates the person does not want cardiopulmonary resuscitation
moral obligation to treat patients fairly and give them what is due to them
reportable cases
gunshot wounds, stabbings, nonaccidental knife wounds
gluteal means pertaining to
patient having a gasterectomy . what is he having done to his stomach
Euthanasia- means the patient does not consent to the action
what is an illegal interview question
Have you ever been arrested
this advance directive means a competent adult can appoint a person to make healthcare decisions in case they can't
Healthcare proxy
scapular fracture is a fracture that occurs
shoulder blade
inflammation of the liver
written instructions about healthcare decision, should a person be able to make them
advance directives
Advance directives includes all healthcare decisions and names a healthcare proxy. it can also include healthcare wishes
medical power of attorney
consent given by the spoken or written word is
Expressed consent