This useful Perk let's a survivor gain a temporary speed boost after vaulting a window.
What is Lithe?
This killer used to work at a car junkyard, which was a cover for an illegal crime syndicates body disposal.
Who is the Wraith?
This Killers power allows them to dash across the map and bounce off of obstacles scattered about the map.
Who is the Blight?
This map is shared by both Clown and Nurse, and features the ever lovable Maurice.
What is Crotus Pen Asylum?
Similar to other "Nerf Greeninja" memes common in fighting games this meme also was applied ironically to this animal based killer.
Who is Pig?
This niche perk gains one token per generator completed that extends the range of a lung at the cost of one token.
Coup de Grace
These two killers are actually confirmed distant relatives by a spin off game, where you date the killers.
Who is Spirit and Oni?
This Killers power allows them to locate players via scream notifications, and inflict an effect onto survivors with varying tiers that cannot be reduced until the final tier.
Who is the Doctor?
This map, now split into east and west variants, used to be part of a giant map until community complaints on its size led to the divide.
What is RPD?
Desd By Daylights Slogan, is a clever nod to its lore referencing how this action is not an escape.
What is "Death is not an Escape"?
This Perk released on the highly anticipated character in the summer of 2023, is one of the only perks in the game that has its effects tied to random chance.
What is Dramaturgy?
This Killer used to be friends, or at least an acquaintance of the Survivor of their chapter.
Who is Legion?
The Trapper at the start of the trial has this many traps, assuming the add ons Bloody Coil and Coffee Grounds are used.
What is 2?
This map used to be in the game, and offer a unique niche of being more vertically oriented. However was removed due to licensing difficulties.
What is Hawkins Laboratory?
There are this many differently colored glyphs present within the realms of the entity.
What is 8?
The third stage of the slowdown perk Pentimento does what to Survivors?
Slows down Recovery Speeds by 20-30%
The Medicine Man is an aliases for this killer.
Who is the Clown?
Whenever a survivor resists this Killers Power they are left deep wounded, however this Killers power cannot show the location of other survivers.
Who is Death Slinger?
This controversial Map, receiving multiple reworks throughout the years came into the entities realm with the Artists and Jonah.
What is Eyrie of Crows?
The Knight and The Skull Merchant upon their launch were rumored to have been planned to be from these two franchise.
What is Predator and For Honor?
Whenever a survivor is hit by a killer with this perk they suffer the Broken status effect for 60/70/80 seconds. A punishment of sorts.
What is Forced Penance?
This Licensed Killer, although being Licensed is actually still an original character.
Who is the Ghost Face?
This many Killers currently in the game as of April 2023 have the ability to use their power to kill a survivor without sacrificing them to the entity, without the use of perks or add ons.
What is 4? (Meyers, Pig, Pyramid Head, Onyro)
Every Map has a hidden Golden Tool Box hidden in some corner or location in the map, however this maps golden tool box requires 3 specific generators to be complete aloungside only being visible for a brief period.
What is Midwich Elementary School?
The Entity is rumored to be somewhat Botanical by some theorist, due to its weakness to this.
What is blight?