Who is the main character we have been following along with this week?
Why did Peter begin to sink?
He took his eyes off of Jesus and got scared by the wind and waves.
What terrible thing did Peter do after Jesus was arrested?
He denied Jesus three times.
Instead of giving the lame man silver and gold, what did Peter and John do for him?
They healed him in the
name of Jesus.
What did Peter see in his vision?
He saw a large sheet come down from heaven with all kinds of animals in the sheet. And a voice told him to get up, kill, and eat.
What did Peter do for a living before he followed Jesus?
He was a fisherman.
In the storm, what did Peter ask Jesus to prove that it was really Him?
To tell him to walk on top of the water to Him.
How did Peter feel when the rooster crowed and Jesus looked at him?
He felt shameful, guilty, and sad.
What did the religious
officials command Peter
and John not to do
Not to tell others about
Jesus again.
After Peter shared Jesus with Cornelius and his family, who came down on everyone who heard the message?
The Holy Spirit
What happened when the fishermen obeyed Jesus and let down their nets to catch fish in the deep water?
They caught so many fish that their nets began to tear and break.
Jesus told Peter, “Follow Me, and I will make you fish for____.”
What did Jesus ask Peter three times?
Do you love Me?
In our ABCs of trusting in
Jesus, what does A, B, and
C stand for?
A – Admit
B – Believe
C – Confess
God used the story with Cornelius to teach Peter that "Jesus is for ____, including ___."
everyone; me
When Peter saw the miracle of catching many fish, he learned that Jesus is ____, and that changes ___.
holy; everything
After Jesus finished teaching the crowds, he sent His disciples ahead in a boat. What did he do?
He went up to a mountain to pray.
When Jesus calmed the storm and got back into the boat, the disciples worshiped him and knew that He really was the _____ of _____!
Son of God
Even though Peter and John were thrown in prison
for telling others about Jesus, they learned that
“Following Jesus is ___ it even when it gets ___.”
worth; tough (hard)
What is the theme Bible verse this week?
"Make your ways known to me, Lord; teach me Your paths." Psalms 25:4
What is the main lesson we are learning this week (one key sentence)?
Following Jesus changes everything!
When Peter walked on water, he learned that “Jesus is ____, even when I ___.”
trustworthy; doubt
After Jesus restored Peter,
Peter learned that “Jesus is
___ even when I ___.”
forgiving; sin
What does it mean to “repent”?
To turn away from my sin (disobeying God) and turn to obeying God.
What are the names of the four Gospel accounts about Jesus?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John