What should you do after the tardy bell rings?
Stop talking, and begin working on your warm-up.
Students are expected to use _______ at all times.
Good personal hygiene
Cellphones and electronic devises (to include Smart Watches) ______visible/worn, heard, or used during the instructional day unless approved by admin for instructional purposes
may NOT be
How many dividers do you need for your ELA binder?
1 binder with 5 dividers
Who is the 7th Grade AP?
Ms. Lee
When I press the bell in class, what should you immediately do?
Shorts and skirts must be at least _________ and extend past your fingertips.
mid-thigh length
How should you carry a chromebook?
With two hands and the chromebook closed
What are the section names for each divider in your notebook?
Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Handouts
During the morning announcements, why did Mr. Horne say the flag was not being flown this morning?
You are not supposed to fly the flag when it is raining.
How long are you allowed to stay in the calming corner?
5 minutes
Pants must be worn at the _______ covering all undergarments.
What happens if a student does not surrender his/her electronic device?
Three days OSS
According to the syllabus, what are the reading recommendations for homework each week? (i.e. how often, how long)
Supervision will be provided from 7:25a until 3p. Yes, the exception is that if a student stays after 3p, they must be under direct supervision of a teacher or coach.
When you finish a test or quiz, where do you turn it in? Where do you turn in completed classwork or homework?
Test/quizzes-basket on my desk
Classwork/homework- Go in the basket on the chromebook cart for your specific class.
Clothing, hairstyle, make-up, etc. must not be ________. (Name at least 1.)
distracting, immodest, inflammatory, or offensive.
The use of the school system's equipment, including Chromebooks, and Internet service is a _____, and not a _____.
a privilege, and not a right.
According to the class syllabus, how often will students take the STAR test this year? How will parents be notified of their student's STAR results?
Students will test every nine weeks. Students will take home a STAR test progress report after testing has been completed.
What is the school motto?
The Blue Tide Way
What is 1 thing we don't say in Room 715?
On God.
Who reserves the right to make the final judgment on any dress code issue that may be in question?
The administration
The user is ______ for all of his/her actions and activities involving the network.
What is the breakdown for your ELA grade? (What are the categories and what are the percentages for each category?)
Tests/Projects- 40%
Classwork/Homework- 35%
What does PBIS stand for? What are the PBIS expectations?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Be respectful. Be responsible. Be safe.