MTSS is an umbrella of systems that support students academically and behaviorally.
What is true?
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support.
What is PBIS?
Social Emotional Learning
What is SEL?
_________ can be nominated in our district by a peer if they exhibit a core value.
What is any staff member?
Every school in SCPS has a care team to they can eat all the time.
What is false? Each school has a CARE TEAM so they can promote a positive school culture, and establish ways to care for each other.
Life ready and positive referrals are two examples of this.
What is our acknowledge/feedback system?
Self-awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making.
What are the 5 SEL competencies?
Empathy, accountability, teamwork, professionalism, integrity and growth mindset.
What are SCPS core values?
What is false. RTI is made up for 3 tiers.
Tier 1...CORE plus some differentiation within core.
Tier 2...CORE plus a little more for those students who need it.
Tier 3...CORE, plus tier 2, plus intense/targeted interventions in areas that a student might need.
We are respsosible, we are respectful, we are safe.
What are our school wide expectations?
SCPS teaches and focuses on teacher/student relationships during this month.
What is August?
Putting yourself in someone else's shoes.
What is empathy?
We do RTI so we can qualify kids for special education?
What is false.
RTI is meant to strengthen core instruction and provide support for students who may need more academic and/or behavior supports.
Every child should get this on a regular basis.
*Will take feedback, life ready points, positive referral as an answer
Executive functioning skills such as organization, time management, self regulation.
What is self-management?
What is true?
Teachers should meet regularly to have problem solving conversations about students with academic and/or behavior concerns.
What is true.
Students are taught these in all common areas of the building-hallway, cafeteria, bus, playground.
Teach, practice and re-teach at the beginning of the year and after every break.
Giving students "life ready points" for acknowledging positive behavior is an example of thisSEL competency.
What is responsible decision making?
Nominating and recognizing your peers for exhibiting core values can be found.
What is the district web site for core value nomination form?