It's the word in Think where you place an X on your finger and bring it down with intention.
What is necessary?
Its how you sign elephant
Teacher will make decisions on correct sign
It's how you fingerspelling the word America correctly
Teacher will make decision on fingerspelling
It's Ms. Janet's #3 rule in her classroom
What is Feed your passion
How do you get a person's attention who is deaf or Hard is hearing
Answers vary....wave hand in front of face, tap something that allows them to feel vibration, walk up to them, turn lights off/on
This is how you sign helpful
Teacher will decide on the correct sign
It's the sign for MOUSE?
Teacher will decide on the correct sign
You fingerspell WONDERFUL like this
Teacher will make decision on correct sign
Have a Vision on Ms Janet s class is important because...
She wants to ensure you know the CLO before class starts
Talking to a person who is deaf/HH across the table and not to the side is better because
You can see their face better, expressions are seen better, palms and hands are easier seen, eye contact
It's the K sign in the Think rules for Ms. Janet
It's the correct sign for Dog when speaking to an adult
Teacher will decide on correct sign
In 10 secs, fingerspell the word TEACHER
Teacher will decide on correct sign
Being a learner and a finisher is important because
You should always finish what you start...never quit. Do it right the first time
During a quiet transition, everyone must be...
Quiet/no talking
It's how you sign the T word in the Think Rules
Name me 3 more animal signs you learned without repeating the ones from precious
Elephant ,horse, cow, fish, hermit crab,
Without looking at ABC strips on wall or notebook, spell ACCOUNTABILITY in 25 secs
Teacher will decide on correct sign) timing
Owning your education is important because
Have great grades, form good habits, helps in college, showing RAISE values
How long is my countdown for a quiet transition?
25 secs
It's how you sign the I in the Think rules
Inspiring....teacher will decide on correct sign
You sign animal the correct way
Teacher will make decision for sign being utilized
Teacher will decide on the correct fingerspelling
The RAISE acronyms stand for....
respect accountability, integrity service and excellence
Working quietly with a partner in ASL is important because...
Work on receptive, expressive skills, practice together, learn/teach each other, help one another