Self taught guitar player and can speak 3 languages
Who is
The visual and verbal
what is the
Who publishes our book and who are our representatives
What is Herff-Jones Who is Morgan and Anna
danced for three years and likes to draw cartoons
who is
Jayda R
what is
a spead
What website do we use to produce our yearbook
is apart of their churches worship team and likes to thrift
who is
noah howell
the end of the book that has the names and page number
what is the
What trip do we take in April with many other Florida schools
What is FSPA
has one pinky bigger and longer than the other and works at an art studio
who is
Tammy Budiman
short paragraph that describes what’s happening in a picture with a quote
what is
a caption
What are the parts of the page
what are
blurb dominant talking heads quote box mod
Likes taylor swift and is team conrad
Who is
Hannah chen
the picture that’s 2-2.5x bigger than all the other pictures
what is
dominant photo
who is the boss
who is