What 3 things make up a "disease"?
An organ/organ system, a dysfunction/defect, and symptoms
Anger is a secondary emotion. What does this mean?
That anger is often preceded by a different, more difficult to express emotion.
What does it mean to use "I" Statements?
Speaking from one's own perspective and experience rather than placing blame on someone else. Speaking assertively.
What is a cross addiction?
Any replacement of your substance use with an alternative activity/behavior that causes a spike in dopamine.
What is radical acceptance?
What two parts of the brain are most involved in addiction?
The prefrontal cortex and the midbrain
Identify 3 of the 8 types of self-care.
1. Physical
2. Emotional
3. Spiritual
4. Space/Environmental
5. Work
6. Interpersonal/Social
7. Intrapersonal/Personal
8. Financial
Identify 2 of the 5 types of family roles that occur in dysfunctional family systems.
1. The Hero/Golden Child
2. The Mascot/Class Clown
3. The Lost Child
4. The Scapegoat/Troublemaker
5. The Enabler
Give 3 examples of types of cross addictions.
Gambling, Eating, Work, Money, Codependency, Shopping, Video Games, Social Media, Overexercising, etc.
What is mindfulness?
Being aware of the present, your emotions, your body, and your space.
What does ACE stand for?
Adverse Childhood Experience
What does SMART stand for when setting SMART goals? Identify at least 2 letters correctly.
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Sensitive
What is the difference between passive, aggressive, and assertive communication?
Passive - My needs < Your needs
Aggressive - My needs > Your needs
Assertive - My needs = Your needs
What is currently the most effective treatment for substance use disorders?
The Twelve Step Model
What is the difference between wise mind, rational mind, and emotional mind?
Rational mind is purely logic, emotional mind is purely feelings, wise mind is a healthy mix of both.
What is one example of an ACE that puts you at a higher risk of developing a substance use disorder?
1. Witnessing domestic violence
2. Witnessing substance use
3. Neglect/abuse
4. Trauma
5. Incarcerated family members
What is the difference between sympathy and empathy?
Sympathy is external; feeling bad for someone.
Empathy in internal; feeling what another person is feeling in order to relate to their experience.
What are 3 of the 5 Love Languages and what are they used for?
Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality Time, and Physical Touch
Love Languages are used to improve how we offer support to loved ones or communicate our needs in receiving love and support.
What is the difference between a set-up behavior and a trigger event?
A set-up behavior is within your control. A trigger event is external and out of your control.
Identify 2 of the 3 things that contribute to the development of a substance use disorder? i.e. What 3 things fill up your "cup"?
1. Genetics
2. Environment
3. Use
What is sleep hygiene? Give 2 examples.
Sleep hygiene includes practices that prepare your body for sleep to improve quality and duration of sleep.
Examples include not exposing yourself to blue light, not eating before bed, having a routine, keeping the room at 69 degrees, limiting high cognitive activities, and keeping a consistent bedtime.
What does BRAVING stand for and what is it used for? Identify at least 2 letters correctly.
Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Non-Judgment, Generous
Used for identifying where trust is struggling to be built or was lost.
Give 3 examples of "stinking thinking".
Minimizing, Overgeneralizing, Deflecting, Blaming, Quid Pro Quo, Intellectualizing, Comparing, etc.
What are Socratic Questions and what are they used for?
Socratic Questions are a series of questions that force you to consider a situation from a logical perspective. This is helpful in challenging anxiety, overthinking, and moving from emotional mind into wise mind.