Correct way to ask to go to the restroom?
Puedo ir al baño?
What are the Endings of the AR Verb song?
O, AS, A, Amos, An
How do you say NOON in Spanish?
What are the colors of the Mexican Flag? Say them in Spanish
How do you say Head in Spanish?
Tengo una pregunta
Correct conjugation of Nadar, in the Yo form.
Yo Nado
What is the Currency in Mexico?
How do you say Knees in Spanish?
How do you say, "Listen Closely" in Spanish?
Escuchen con atencion
Correct conjugation of Dibujar, in the Tu form.
Tu Dibujas
The time is 3:30 pm, how do you say it Spanish?
Son las tres y media de la tarde.
What does each color on the Mexican Flag represent?
Green-Hope, White-Purity, Red-Blood
How do you say Legs in Spanish?
How do you say, "Time Out" in Spanish
Se acabo el tiempo or Se termino el tiempo
Correct conjugation of Trabajar, in the Nosotros form.
Nosotros Trabajamos
The time is 1:00pm, how do you say it in Spanish?
Es la Una de la tarde
What dog breed was discovered in Mexico and named after a state?
How do you say Arms in Spanish?
How do you say, "We are going to work in groups" in Spanish?
Vamos a trabajar en grupos
Correct conjugation of Estudiar, in the Ustedes form.
Ustedes Estudian
Son las dos cuarenta y cinco de la mañana.
Mexico has the largest pyramid in the world. What is it called?
Chichen Itza
How do you say tongue in Spanish?