Unit 2 Vocab
Unit 2 Examples of...
Case Study Netflix
World Cities
Impacts of Globalisation

The expansion, spread and integration of people, products, cultural elements and ideas across the world.



Travel time from Edinburgh t London in 1658 took 300 hours by stagecoach. In 1970, the same trip took only 6.3 hours by automobile.

What is and example of Time-Space Convergence?


The phenomenon of a TV series that lifts a relatively unknown actor to immediate fame or when a show is binged by millions of viewers and becomes an instant overnight success.

What is 'The Netflix Effect'?

London, Tokyo and New York

What are the top 3 'World Cities'?


Development that meets the needs of the recent without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What is Sustainable Development?


The increased interconnectedness and interdependence of people and countries resulting from the expansion of world trade, finance, people and ideas in a global marketplace.



The completion of the Suez Canal in 1869 expanded the speed and completion of trade routes across the world. It was deepened in 2015 to accommodate super freighters.

What is an advancement in transport technology that influenced the expansion of world trade?

Millie Bobby Brown and Katherine Langford.

Who are the main actors of Stranger Things and 13 Reasons Why that shot to overnight fame due to 'The Netflix Effect'?


The number of multi-national corporation head offices located in a city.

What is a common measurement for an 'Economic World City'?


A country that is home to 11 of the 12 most polluted cities in the world due to rapid industrialisation and economic growth.

What is India?


The modification of ideas and products to suit personal and local needs, cultures and beliefs.



The large refrigerators and cars that were made popular in Australia and the USA in the post WW2 'mass production of goods' boom, were not suitable for the smaller and much more crowded streets and houses of Europe and Japan, and thus were modified to fit. Very rarely to you see a Dodge Ram Pickup driving through the streets of the Old Town of Dubrovnik.

What is an example of adaptation/glocalisation?


The Queen's Gambit

What Netflix Show heavily influenced the culture of chess after its release in 2020?


The number of high-quality universities and research institutions located in a city.

What is a common measurement for a 'Cultural World City'?


In the 1950s, 90% of the world's 'Middle class' lived in Europe and North America, now 20% of the world's middle class live here.

What is China?


As transport technologies constantly improve, physical/spatial distance between two points measured in terms of time has and will continually decrease leading to improved access and profitability.

What is Time-Space Convergence?


The positive and negative impacts of globalisation have to be carefully examined as primarily, MDCs (more developed countries) continue to profit from this process but LDCs (less developed countries) continue to face substantial social (unsafe conditions), environmental (pollution) and economic (low wages) challenges during this process.

What is an example of sustainability within the continuing process of globalisation?


The Last Dance

What Netflix show that aired in April 2020 led to huge increases in search trends for Michael Jordan, the Chicago Bulls and other related topics such as sneakers, Lebron James and memes.


A part of San Francisco that has attracted highly skilled individuals to work in tech companies pushing wages and house prices up in the area. 

The median house price is US$1.6 million - 5 times that of the median national average of the US.

What is Silicon Valley?


Due to an increasing middle class and massive population in China, this industry accounted for US$36 billion in 2008 but rose to US$254 billion in 2019, just before COVID-19 hit!

What is Chinese international tourism?


An almost 500-year process that resulted in the diffusion of advanced transport and communication technologies throughout the world as well as the subjugation of First Nations peoples.

What is European colonialism?


Generally those that are;

very rich

highly qualified

healthy and young

strong responsibilities to family and country

Live in liberal democracies

have extensive networks

This is an example of the characteristics of a 'global citizen'


Love on the Spectrum

After its release on Netflix, what ABC saw significant increases in search trends around neurodiversity and more positive representations of autism in the media? 


The increasing concentration of global financial activity and influence in Tokyo, New York and London due to overlapping time zones and the proximity of huge virtual storage facilities for instant transfers of money and information between banks and stock exchanges.

What is centralisation?


2018 environmental impact data released in 2019 estimated 44.4 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide was emitted due to packaging material and transport processes, the equivalent of Norway's total emissions for that year!

What is Amazon?
