When The territory of Michigan was founded in 1805 what city was the capital (hint it's not the current capital)
What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
Longest Running live Sitcom
It's always sunny in Phildelphia
Michael Jackson
Name a Hobby I enjoy
Weight-lifting, Skate boarding, Playing guitar, concerts, ect
Michigan's state flower is
Apple Blossom
What country did French Fries originate
Netflix's most streamed show of all time
Squid Game
What Female Singer has won top female artist of the year 4 times?
Taylor Swift
What is my dogs name
How Many great lakes does Michigan Boarder.
Double points if you can name them
Scoville Scale
Highest Grossing Movie of all time
Avengers: Endgame
What is the highest grossing band of all time
The Rolling Stones
What is my favorite food
Chicken wings, will also accept sushi
What international Musician (singer-guitarist) was born and raised in the Detroit and first played in the band "Last Heard"
Bob Segar
One of Artist Andy Wharhol's famous painting is a 32 piece canvas set picturing what famous soup?
Campbell's soup
Per IMDB what movie has the highest critic rating of all time
Shawshank Redemption
Lady Gaga's real name is
How Many Years have I been at trinity
How long is the Mackinaw Bridge
5 miles
What was the First American Fast food chain to open in China
No Movie has ever scored a perfect 10/10 on IMDB, however there is one episode of a TV Show that held the record for a perfect 10/10 what show is it from?
Breaking Bad
Which Female Pop Singer was born as Destiny Hope
Miley Cyrus
Name a degree I have
Health Information Management, and Healthcare Finance