A small amount of current applied directly to the myocardium via in-dwelling needle or catheter.
The shape of a red blood cell, which helps to maximize surface area while minimizing volume.
Biconcave disc
The most common material used for tubing due to its resiliency and transparency.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
These chambers of the heart are more visible from the posterior view.
This view of the heart allows you to look directly into the inferior vena cava.
Inferior (Diaphragmatic)
The macroshock threshold for “harmless” current intensity.
5 mA
The average life span of a red blood cell before being phagocytosed in the liver or spleen.
120 days
The parameter found by dividing stroke volume by end diastolic volume with a normal range between 40 and 60%.
Ejection fraction
Part of the heart located at the left 5th intercostal space on the midclavicular line.
An abbreviation consisting of the initial letters of a phrase all pronounced separately. (ECC, CPB, etc.)
The “safe” maximum microshock leakage current.
10 uA
This form of hemoglobin that contains ferric heme is produced when hemoglobin-A undergoes oxidative stress.
The process by which microscopic fragments of PVC are broken from the pump head tubing due to mechanical stress caused by the roller pumps.
A groove that travels almost all the way around the heart and houses the right and left coronary arteries, circumflex artery, and coronary sinus.
Atrioventricular sulcus
A silly saying to remind you that good urine output throughout a case reduces fluid buildup and preserves normal osmotic pressure.
“A peeing heart is a happy heart”
This monitors the potential difference via current leakage through a fixed resistance and sounds an alarm when the leakage exceeds 5mA.
The average thickness, width, and volume of a red blood cell.
2.0um, 7.5um, 80-100um^3
The maximum positive outlet pressure for a centrifugal pump.
700 - 900 mmHg
The average length, width, and height of a human heart.
12cm x 9cm x 6cm
The average difference in mass between a human male and female heart.
The total resistance of this compound circuit.
60 Ohms
Three factors that when increased can shift an oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right, decreasing hemoglobin’s affinity to bind with oxygen.
Gas (increase pCO2), Hydrogen (decrease pH), and Temperature
The stroke volume in milliliters of a roller pump that is 7.1 inches in diameter loaded with 1/2 inch tubing.
71.6 mL
The groove on the outer surface of the right atrium between the sinus venarum cavarum and the rest of the right atrium that indicates the location of the sinoatrial node.
Terminal groove (sulcus terminalis)
The velocity of 0.5 L of water pumped through a centerfugal pump that is 0.1 m in diameter with a force of 160 N.
4 m/s