Based on a 2010 photograph of the dog Kabosu, this meme has achieved perpetual Internet immortality
What is doge?
Salty cucumbers
What are pickles?
Home of the Hollywood sign, the City of Angels, and the Golden Gate Bridge, this state is the most populous in the U.S.
What is California?
Who is Jeff/Jeffrey?
A sweet food made from leavened fried dough, usually with a hole in the center
What is a donut/doughnut?
This green ogre represents different values in life, but is mainly used as a lighthearted meme sometimes involving saxophones
Who is Shrek?
The Italian version of noodles
What is pasta?
Named after the first president of the United States and home to the Space Needle, this state consistently ranks among the best in the nation
What is Washington?
Cena, Lennon, Kennedy, Travolta
Who is John?
The hardest known mineral on the planet, this valuable item is known for its use in jewelry
What are diamonds?
This meme is usually used to describe a select variety of unlucky or embarrassing events
Who is Bad Luck Brian?
In 1893, the United States Supreme Court ruled that this red food is a vegetable, though some people still believe it is a fruit
What are tomatoes?
Known for being the home state of LeBron James, this state has grown in popularity as a meme and is home to two of the most infamous franchises in sports history
What is Ohio?
Bublé, Fox, Jackson, Jordan
Who is Michael?
This car brand has made many iconic cars, such as the Challenger or Durango
What is Dodge?
This meme represents the funny but somewhat realistic ideas of humans but is just used as a meme
What is Roll Safe?
Although called a nut, this food is classified as a legume, the same family as peas and lentils
What are peanuts?
Known as the Lone-Star State, this former independent nation became part of the United States in late 1845
What is Texas?
Clinton, Gates, Pitt, Shakespeare
Who is William?
The currency of Australia, Canada, Singapore, and many other countries
What is the dollar?
This geographical meme has sparked a small amount of controversy, but is mostly used to humorously exaggerate countries
What is Polandball? or What are countryballs?
Italian ice cream churned slower and denser, sounds kind of like gelatin
What is gelato?
This state is the birthplace of jazz, and was named after France's Sun King of the mid-1600's and early 1700's
What is Louisiana?
Cuban, Hamill, McGwire, Ruffalo
Who is Mark?
In the Catholic Church, a member of the clergy, and is allowed to be married before ordination
What is a deacon?