The Body
Fighting Disease

Diarrhea is often caused by a type of pathogen called, what?

bacteria (II)


The kidneys, bladder and intestines help our bodies get rid of, what?

waste (IV)


What blood cells in our body fight against foreign invaders?

white blood cells (V)


In Lesson VII, Teresa was asked about the right amount of the various types of food to eat. What was her one word answer?

moderation ("We don't want to go to extremes in eating only certain types of food or entirely avoiding others.") (VII)


"To give and to be ______ are attributes of mine; well is it with him that adorneth himself with My virtues."

generous (IX)


According to Lesson VII, these two types of food are good sources of vitamins and minerals.

vegetables and fruits (VII)


"The heart is like a pump that circulates the blood to every part of the body through different sized tubes." There are three such tubes. What are they called? (Your team will have three guesses. For each correct guess, your team will receive 50 points. If all three guesses are correct, you will receive the full 200 points.)

arteries, capillaries, veins (IV)


According to Lesson V, what are the five ways that Pathogens can enter our bodies?

mouth, nose, eyes, ears and cuts in our skin (V)


What is the function of the circulatory system?

to carry oxygen to all parts of the body (V)


"The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its ______ is firmly established."

unity (IX)


In Lesson II, the JY group discussed six things that people should do to keep their bodies healthy. What were those six things? (Your team will have six guesses and will receive 50 points for each correct guess.)

1. eat nutritious food

2. stay active

3. go to the clinic when sick and follow the nurse's instructions

4. get vaccinated

5. sleep

6. hygiene (keep our bodies and our homes clean) (II)


"The liver contributes to the work of the body in many ways." Lesson IV gives us three of those ways. What are those three ways? (Your team will have three guesses and for each correct guess you will receive 100 points.)

1. aids digestion by making a liquid that breaks down fat

2. removes harmful chemicals from the blood

3. adjusts the amount of sugar in our blood (IV)


"When a pathogen enters the body, it will naturally try to multiply." But our B cells will come into contact with the pathogen and bind to it. These cells then send into the bloodstream trillions of these bodies, which are needed to overcome the invading pathogens.

antibodies (VI)


When cells grow and divide, gradually they become specialized. According to Lesson III, what does 'specialized' mean?

"To focus on one set of tasks and do it extremely well." (III)


"Consecrate and devote yourselves to the _____ and service of all the human race."

betterment (I)


This complex carbohydrate helps to clean the organs of the digestive system and feed the good bacteria that live there.

fiber (vegetables and fruits tend to be high in fiber) (VII)


According to Lesson IV, the brain helps the organs to cooperate. How does it do this?

"It coordinates the activities of the other organs, sending messages back and forth." (IV)


Lesson VIII states that vaccines work by exposing the body to, what?

antigens (VIII)


According to Lesson III, what does the nucleus of a cell do?

"The nucleus holds all the information that tells the cell how to function." (When a cell reproduces, this information is passed on to the nucleus of the new cell.) (III)

"Whatever passeth beyond the limits of ______ will cease to exert a beneficial influence." 

moderation (IX)


Lesson VII states, "To stay alive, the body needs certain types of nutrients." It then lists five of these types of nutrients. What are they?

1. proteins

2. fats

3. carbohydrates

4. vitamins

5. minerals (VII)


The pancreas helps adjust blood sugar in the body. To do this it creates a substance called, what? And what does this substance do exactly?

"Insulin assists the cells of the body in using the sugar in the blood." (IV)


In an interconnected world, no community is isolated. We must learn to fight things that, like viruses in our bodies, can enter our communities and cause it harm. Lesson IX discusses four such things. What are they? (Your team will have four guesses. For each correct guess you will receive 100 points. If all four guesses are correct you will receive the full 500 points.)

1. alchohol and drugs

2. misinformation

3. political parties dividing the community

4. materialism (IX)


Lesson VII states three ways that drinking water helps our bodies. What are those three ways?

1. digestion of food

2. removal of waste

3. keeping our bodies at a steady temperature (VII)

"The progress of the world of humanity dependeth upon _______, and its decline is due to ________.

knowledge; ignorance (XIII)
