You use this emoji between each word of a sentence for added emphasis.
The "Clapping Hands" 👏 Emoji
Another word for "aggravate".
A three-letter word for someone that can either be related to you or seem familiar.
Another word for your significant other.
"It be like that sometimes."
"It usually happens like that."
The added emphasis that supplements the word "period".
A word that describes one's unusual or off behavior.
You use this word as a term of endearment or when slightly threatened; has a similar function like "bro".
A noun that is equivalent to gossip.
Tea. 🫖
A phrase asked when you notice someone obviously upset.
"You mad or nah?"
The phrase that adds emphasis when someone does/says something shocking or unexpected.
"And I oop!" 😮
Another version for your mom's or dad's sister; think Killmonger...
A noun used in conversation; a more lax/southern way of saying "child".
"It couldn't be me..."
"I would not do something like that."/"I would not want to be in something like that."
A stated reaction to someone that's attractive online or is used as an abbreviation; usually seen on TikTok.
When someone is caught doing this, their behavior is not up to par.
A noun that signifies solidarity/friendship.
"Patnah" (pronounced "PAHT-neh")
This noun describes someone that is madly in love with their significant other.
A simp.
This phrase could mean that your appearance is really put together or you might've been taken by surprise.
"I'm snatched."/"My wig is snatched."
If someone is really good at what they do or they say something reaffirming, you do this. But watch out; you don't want to get hit by accident.
Throwing a shoe/object.
This kind of behavior can be found on the internet, not under a tree.
Family ties in which the children of aunts or uncles are related to you; these can be biological or through close friendships between families.
This noun could be used to describe an enemy/foe or even institutions such as the police.
A phrase that has universal meaning; it can be used to validate someone's excuse, get context, or stated when there's a threat.
"You good?"/"You good!"/"You straight?"