What Movie has archeologist that likes to find things
Indiana Jones
Can you Name 3 best actors that played Batman
Christian bale
Michael Keaton
Robert Pattinson
Which Cartoon has Talking Cat that likes lasagna
Who Did Thanos beat up in infinity war
What Tv show has Tennagers turn into motorcycle outfits
Power rangers
What Christmas movie Joe Pesci was in
Home alone
Can you Name 2 worst actors that played Batman
Val kilmer
George Clooney
Which Cartoon had Mutant animals
Ninja turtles
When Dis first Capitan amercia come out
What Tv show with Black guy Dad laughs a lot at
Dave chapelle
What Movie has talking lion zebra hippo giraffe
Who Played Superman in Justic league
Henry cavil
Which Cartoon has army guys 1980s Dad liked
Gi joe
When Did first iron man come out
What Tv show has Donnie wall Bert in it
Blue bloods
What Movie was Michael Jordon in
Space Jam
Who Played green lantern
Ryan reyonalds
Can you Name 3 Cartoons 1980s
He man
Thunder cats
Gi Joe
When Did first spider man come out
When Did Supernatural come out
What Movie did Denzel Washington coach
Rember the titans
Who Played Wonder Woman
Gal gadot
Can’t you Name Disney cartoon with ducks
Duck tales
Who says on your left
Steve rogers
What Tv show does Mom watch lot on TLC
90 day fiancé