If I'm on an iCare account and I see the DFD Alert, it means the customer is on DFD for delivery service. True or False
Essence: How do we process the order for single copy/back issue request?
Through SIN
When customer would like to know how their subs we're placed (agency order).
Agency Information
After combining the account, what are the expectations you'll tell to the customer?
Last duplicate issue, new expiration date, and account number.
You just refunded a check paying caller for remaining issues; the caller changed their mind after you processed the refund in iCare.
If the whisper states/shows HPB, HPB Customer service or no Magazine title, how do you open the call?
If the whisper states/shows HPB, HPB Customer service or no Magazine title, avoid asking "what magazine are you calling about?" or "what specific magazine are you calling about?"
What are the two special issues of OUS?
Summer and Winter Gear Guide Issues
Cx called in but hung up before you even provided the resolution.
Wrong number or hang up
What form will you fill out if customer is asking for a cancellation confirmation to be sent on their email.
Customer Service Confirmation Form
Caller states they cancelled their subscription 5 weeks ago and still have not received their refund.
What are the product descriptions for Gooten and Marketplace Orders
Bottomline: Delivery time for products is how long?
2-4 weeks
When the caller is asking for a better offer.
Pricing Information (You MUST leave the price provided in the comment section of the activity)
Customer was automatically charged but just received an offer through mail and would like to take advantage of it. What process will you do?
Change subscription
Caller does not have email and would like a receipt mailed to them.
iCare Letters
The customer paid online but didn't receive the confirmation email for the Starbuck gift card. What process will you do?
Verify first if the email on file is correct. Then, submit SUPV.
Bottomline: Newsletter subscribers are found in iCare. True or False.
When cx asks about how many issues per year the magazine is published.
Magazine Information (You MUST leave the magazine inquiry/questions in the comment section of the activity)
How do we locate customer's account?
o Zip and Last Name
o Shorten Last name
o Shorten Zip/Postal Code and Last Name
o Account number
o Search by email
o Zip code, CC type and last 4 digits of CC
Caller states they should get a free subscription from a purchase they made. It is not on file & there is nothing in the special programs help screen.
What are the Return Policy for Credit Card Orders and for Credit/Bill Me Orders?
Credit Card Orders - 60 days policy
Credit/Bill Me Orders - 21 day preview
Bottomline: What is the default key for premiums?
When someone asks when they should receive an issue or states that they haven't received an issue and it's not late yet.
Expected delivery information
What are the rules for Agency Order? Give at least three.
• We cannot refund an agency order. The name cannot be changed to another person.
• If the customer is adamant about changing the name, offer to add C/O to address line 1 with the new name and the address to line 2. Keep the original name on the name line. If the name change is a slight change or misspelling change that is okay. We can also change the name if it is due to marriage.
• We cannot change the term and value of the order.
• If the agency is calling on behalf of the customer refer them to agency control, phone numbers are listed on AskCDS by publisher.
• We cannot transfer the order to another magazine.
• We do not have any billing information, please do not quote the term and price showing in iCare.
Customer would like to make a follow-up for the refund that was just processed 7 days ago.