Aspect of histones that attributes to their interaction with DNA.
What are positively charged amino acids?
DNA is not a able to completely synthesize the lagging strand of DNA. The solution to this "end of replication" problem.
What are telomeres?
Unwind and separate the DNA helix, the first to do so.
What are initiator proteins?
The main RNA polymerase and is involved in transcribing most protein-code gene and miRNA.
What is RNA polymerase II?
What steps must occur to turn pre-mRNA into mRNA?
What is 5' capping, 3' poly A tail, and splicing.
Level of compaction when linker histone binds to nucleosomal DNA.
What is 30 nm fiber?
Lagging strand template direction.
What is 5' to 3'?
Keep other components of the replication machinary firmly attached to the DNA template while it is synthesizing the newly replication strands.
DNA sliding clamp/ Clamp loader
Set of DNA sequences required for transcription initiation by RNA pol.
What is the promoter region?
Noncoding sequences in pre-mRNA.
What are introns?
Region of DNA where most genes are located
What is euchromatin?
Cell cycle phase that DNA replication initiation starts in.
What is G1?
Region on DNA pol that is involved in maintaining the correct position between the primer and the active site, as well as holding the polymerase to the template DNA.
What is the thumb region?
Special types of proteins that are required to “locate”the promoter and bring in the RNA pol.
What are transcription factors?
Regions of DNA that are transcribed.
What are genes?
The component DNA backbone that is found on the 3’ end.
What is a sugar hydroxyl?
Direction that DNA is built in.
What is 5' to 3'?
Keeps the double stranded DNA form reforming H-bonds by keeping the strands apart.
What are SSB proteins?
The amount of nucleotides the RNA transcript has to have to qualify as "escaped" from the initiation phase.
What is 10 nucleotides?
The amount of primers that RNA polymerase needs.
The components of a nucleotide.
What are the phosphate group, sugar and nitrogenous base.
The amount of replication forks are there in a prokaryotic DNA.
What is 2?
Ability of DNA polymerase that allows it to remove the wrong nucleotides after proofreading.
What is exonuclease activity?
Stages of transcription.
What is Initiation, Elongation, and Termination?
Nitrogenous bases of RNA.
What is AUGC?