The name of the carving created in a cabin near Lake Nipigon.
What is Paddle-to-the-Sea?
The forest fire occurred during this season.
What is autumn?
The location of the cabin that the Native boy carved Paddle.
The name of the Coast Guardsman that tricked his friend into thinking he was going to take a Native American and his canoe on his dogsled.
Who is Bill?
The coast guard had Paddle taken by dog sled during this season.
What is winter?
The name of the Island where fishing was the main source of industry.
What is Apostle Island?
The name of the man who took Paddle on his dogsled,
Who is Maloney?
Paddle got caught in a log floating down the river during this season of the year.
What is spring?
The form of transportation did Paddle take to the Soo Locks.
What is a dog sled?
This person told a boy that the Indian name for the St. Lawrence River means Canada.
Who is the Old Lady?
The season the buck lost his antlers near the beaver's pond.
What is spring?
The location where Paddle turned red from all the iron ore.
Where is Duluth, Michigan?
He read the newspaper and discovered his plan worked out for his carving.
Who is the boy near Lake Nipigon?
The number of years Paddle traveled.
What is 4, almost 5 years?
The location of the home of the Old Lady that kept Paddle until Spring.
What is Montreal?