To draw out
The principles of biblical interpretation
The first chapter of the storyline
Archbishop of Canterbury who defended the substitutionary atonement of Christ
Practical theology
Apply your beliefs and values
Relating the scripture to its larger storyline
First Step in understanding the Bible
Read it
The Fall
the 2nd part of the storyline
Defended the inerrancy of scripture
A.A. Hodge
Understanding the Bible properly
Reading each story in the larger storyline of God glorifying himself by redeeming his fallen creation
Historical Theology
Compare your conclusion with others
Determines the understanding & application of the text
the Greater storyline of the Bible
Defended justification by faith in Christ alone
Martin Luthor
Like reading a map or a compass correctly
Systematic theology
4 Steps of biblical interpretation
Gather, organize, harmonize, relate or apply
The perfect character & integrity of God
Pastor of the church in Hippo & dealt with Pelagianism - a teaching that said original sin did not taint man
Apply your beliefs and values
defending the faith
Necessary for correct understanding of the Bible
humble or teachable heart
Genesis 3 - Revelation 21
The story of redemption
Council of Nicea
Developed orthodoxy, defined the trinity and wrote the Nicene Creed - later became the Apostles Creed
Doctrinal debates of the past