Who is the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles?
Dallin H. Oaks
Title of talk: Do you want to be Happy? Topics:
(1) What is the Covenant Path (2) Are you on the Covenant Path (3) How can keeping Covenants with God make you happy?
Elder Yoon Hwan Cho
Who Conducted the Saturday Morning Session:
Henry B. Eyring
Favorite Color is Blue, Likes BBQ Chicken Pizza, Caramel Brownies, Dr. Pepper, Gatorade and Twix?
Who is the 1st Counselor in the Elders Quorum?
Ryan Reed Stettler
How many of the Twelve Apostles spoke in Conference?
Do Hallmark of happiness
Building upon the foundation of Jesus Christ is essential to our happiness.
Elder Gary B. Sabin
Sustaining of the General Authorities, are Seventy's and General Officers. Who read the Saturday afternoon Session?
Henry B. Eyring
Favorite Colors are Yellow and Blue, Likes to Mountain Bike, Favorite food is Chick-Fil-A and anything with sugar?
Bailey Wade
Who is the Relief Society President?
Beth Johnson
Which Apostle was absent from General Conference?
Jeffrey R. Holland
Eternal Truth:
Are need to recognize truth has never been more important.
Elder John C. Pingree Jr.
Who was missing in General Conference from the First Presidency?
President Russel M. Nelson
Favorite Colors: Black and Dark Green, Favorite Class in School is RECESS, Favorite Hobbies: Dirt Biking, Fishing and Car Driving. Favorite Food is Steak, Treats: Snickers, Kit Kats, Brownies and Sprite?
Tripp Cragun
Who is the Decons Quorum President?
Bridger Jasper Wade
A talk was given by one of the Apostles,
Tithing: Opening the Windows of Heaven?
Neil L. Andersen
God knows and loves you:
Gods plan for happiness is all about you.
Allan T. Phillips
Who gave the talk in the Saturday Morning Session, Kingdoms of Glory?
Dallin H. Oaks
Favorite Color Blue
Favorite Class in School: Lunch
Hobbie: Likes Soccer
Favorite Food: Navajo tacos, Loves Snickers
Thankful for Family
Jack Hunt
Who is the Sunday School Teachers for the 16-17 year olds?
Mike and Brenda Carter
The Title of his talk was:
Promptings of the Spirit, what Apostle?
Gary E. Stevenson
Humble to accept and Follow:
Humility is a mandatory requirement for us to be ready to return to the presence of God.
Joni L. Koch
What speaker announced 22 Temples and said Think Celestial?
President Russel M. Nelson
Favorite Color is Blue
Likes Lunch in School
Hobbie is Football, Favorite Food is BBQ
Thankful for Family
Favorite Treat is Donuts
Thomas Matthew
Who is the Second Counselor of the Bishopric?
Seth Crowther