Net Force
Laws of Motion
1st Law of Motion
2nd Law of Motion
3rd Law of Motion

Up = 50 N.

Down = 100 N. 

Up = 25 N

Right = 25 N.

Left = 25 N.

25 n. Down  Vertical      Unbalanced 

0 n.  Horizontal     Balanced 


What does acceleration mean?

The speeding up or slowing down of an object


What is the first law of motion? 

An object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion, until it gets an unbalanced force.


What does the second law of motion tell us?

The acceleration of an object depends on the force applied and the mass of the object.


What is the definition of the third law of motion?

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


10 N. Left

20 N. Right

5 N. Right 

10 N. Up

15 N. Down

15 N. Right    Horizontal 

5 N. Down     Vertical 


If you are in a car going 55 MPH and you get an unbalanced force, what will happen to you?  Also in your answer, what does an unbalance force do?

Unbalance forces change what an object is doing so you will speed up , slow down, turn or stop.


How did the card, cup and coin show the first law of motion?

The card and coin were at rest and they stayed at rest until they got an unbalanced force.  If you only give the card an unbalanced force than the coin will stay at rest.  


How did the sphere activity show the second law of motion?

The larger objects needed more force to move?

The mass of the objects determined how much force was needed to make it move?  (baseball being hit by ping pong ball)

Larger objects take more force to change what they are doing


If I push against a wall with 30 N. to the west, what will happen?

The wall will push back 30 N. to the east.


Explain how you find the net force on an object?

You add arrows facing the same direction.  You subtract the arrows that are OPPOSITE.  


If an object is at rest and it gets a balance force, what will happen to the object?  Give the definition of a balance force.

A balance force does not change what an object does so the object will stay at rest.


How does the balloon and straw show the first law of motion?

The straw was at rest until the air gave it an unbalanced force.  It stayed in motion until the friction gave it an unbalanced force.  Also, ran out of air,force.


If I give a 10 pound object and a 50 pound object the same force, explain what they will do?

The 10 pound object will go farther and faster.

The 50 pound object will go slower and not as far.


How did the marble and ruler activity show the third law of motion?

The amount of marbles we pulled backward  was equal to the amount of marbles that went forward.


If you are in a car going 35 MPH on a street and a car passes you going the same direction, what will it look like you are doing to the people in the car passing you?

It will look like you are going backwards.


What are two things that give more inertia?

What are two things that give less inertia?

More = more speed and mass

Less= less speed and mass


If two object are the same mass, how can I get one to go farther?

Give it more force.


How does the third law of motion allow us to walk?

When we pull our leg backwards we go forward.


If an object is going 35 MPH east and it gets a balanced force, what will it do?

It will remain going 35 MPH east because a balance force does not change what an object is doing


Describe how the first law of motion explains why we have to wear a seat belt.  (Think about the car with the marble that jumps up and still lands back in the hole even though the car is moving)

The car and marble were in forward motion, and you give the marble an unbalanced force up, it will continue its forward motion because it did not get an unbalanced force stopping its forward motion.


What are three ways I can slow down an object?  (Picture trying to slow down a cart that has groceries in it?

Add more groceries, give less force or roughen the surface you are on.


Give an example of how we use the third law of motion in our everyday life.  Think of sports if you can't think of anything else.

Serving in volleyball, rowing a boat, shooting a basketball, jumping
