what is the name of the team with the skeleton head on it
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
who is the person that made the number 23 famous (more than one answer)
Micheal Jordan, Lebron James
what is the name of the tv show with a yellow sponge
SpongeBod Squarepants
what team won the last Superbowl
Kansas City Chiefs
who had the nickname Diesel
shaquille O'Neal
what is the name of the tv show with a monkey a a guy
Curious George
who has the most rushing yards as a QB in a single season
Lamar Jackson
who has the most rings in NBA history
Bill Russell
what is the name of tv show with a tall blue bird and a short racoon
Regular Show
who has the most receiving yards in a season
Calvin Johnson
who is the shortest player in NBA history to dunk
Spud Webb
who had the nickname Muscle hamster
Doug Martian
who won the first NBA championship