Two problems are especially well-known for throwing people’s lives out of balance: substance use problems and ____ ____ ______.
mental health disorders
mild, short-term changes in the way people feel, behave, and think
The word _____ refers to a person’s emotions.
_______ (such as cocaine) can cause people to experience anxiety, agitation, and paranoia.
Among older adults (age sixty and older), the most common substance-related problems are _____-related problems.
Having a healthy life means balancing your biological, psychological, social, and ______ lives.
severe, long-term changes
The word _______ describes people’s actions
_______ (such as alcohol) can cause people to lose control or feel depressed.
there has recently been an increase in the percentage of people age ____ and older abusing illicit drugs.
Doctors think of ____ ____ ____ as groups of mental health symptoms that tend to occur together, last for some time, and cause discomfort, even distress, to the individual.
mental health disorders
If you take _____ and drink, your risk of stomach or intestinal bleeding increases. W
The word _______ describes the way people figure things out, solve problems, and do mental exercises such as planning.
________ and stimulants can make people’s thinking confused and make them misunderstand what is going on around them.
Alcohol used with large doses of ______, a common painkiller, may cause liver damage.
More than __ percent of people with substance use disorders have a co-occurring mental health problem.
According to the ____ _, a substance use disorder is defined as a pattern of alcohol or other drug use in which an individual continues to use despite problems caused by that drug use.
The phrase ____ ____ ___ can be used to describe feelings, behaviors, and thoughts that are outside of normal living.
mental health symptoms
withdrawal from _______ causes depression, lack of energy, and agitation.
______ used with some sleeping pills, pain pills, anxiety medicine, or anti depression medicine can be deadly.
The _____ ___ ____ ___ __ ____ _____(DSM) is the primary guide used by health care professionals to diagnose substance use disorders.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Using any prescription or over-the-counter medication in a way that is different from how it was prescribed is considered _____ ______.
medication misuse
These mood-altering substances, including alcohol, are sometimes called ________ drugs, meaning they affect not only the body but also the person’s behavior, emotions, and thoughts.
Withdrawal from ______ typically involves mental health symptoms such as anxiety, tension, and insomnia.
People ages sixty-five and older compose only __ percent of the population, yet account for more than one-third of total outpatient spending on prescription medications in the United States