the Bible was written over a span of ___ years
What is 1500 years?
Period between Malachi and Matthew is known as the
What is Intertestiment?
1st event
What is Babylonian Captivity
Bible Promises: Genesis 3:15
What is God would mention the first gospel
1446/1445 BC
the Bible was written in ____ languages by ____ different authors and over _____ continents
What is written in 3 languages by 40 different authors and over 3 continents?
There were ____ years of silent
What is 400 years?
2nd Event
What is City of Jerusalem and temple destroyed (586 BC)
Bible Promises: Genesis 12:1-3
God would bless all families through Abraham
Solomon's Temple
960 BC
The Word "Christ" means
What is Messiah, anointed one?
Bible Promises: Isaiah 9:6
What is Wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace.
3rd Event
Persia conquered Babylon (539 BC)
Bible Promises: 2 Samuel 7:12-14
What is A son of David - King forever
Temple Destruction
586 BC
6th event
Esther (478 BC)
Bible Promises: Micah 5:2
What is Savior born in Bethlehem?
4th Event
No longer have a King
Bible Promises: Jeremiah 31:31-34
What is A new covenant - a new heart
2nd Temple (Zerubbabel)
520 BC
Temple Destruction
AD 70
Bible Promises: Matthew 1:21
What is Virgin birth?
5th event
Ezra/Nehemiah (457/444BC)
Bible Promises: Isaiah 7:14
Herod's Temple