The subdivision of a computer program into separate subprograms using APCSP language
What is Procedure?
8 bits
What is a Byte?
CSP receives value from user as input:
What is INPUT()?
8 in Binary
What is 1000?
Data items that can be included in Tuples are integers, doubles, booleans and...
What are Strings?
aka method, function, “made/created” block.
A named group of programming instructions that may have parameters and return values.
What is Procedure?
A way of representing information using only two
options which is usually defined as 1 or 0.
What is
Binary (base 2)?
CSP display:
What is
The value in decimal is 25 and converted to hex the value is...
What is 19?
A Tuple is known as one of these that holds several pieces of information?
A section of a computer program that is stored only once but can be used when required at several different points in the program, thus saving space.
What is a Procedure call
A named reference, that holds information, to a value that can be used repeatedly throughout a program.
What is a Variable?
CSP return:
What is
In binary 11001 is converted to what in decimal?
What is 25?
Tuples are seperated from variables by surrounding the information with these?
What are Parenthesis ( ) ?
A process and allows a procedure to be used only knowing what it does, not how it does it. This is accomplished by creating procedures to solve each of the subproblems.
What is Procedural Abstraction
A repetitive portion of an algorithm which repeats a specified number of times or until a given condition is met.
What is Iteration?
CSP assign to result the value of procedure call:
What is
result 🡨 prodName(arg1)?
Converted from Hex to Decimal, what is C7
What is 199?
This would print one item in a tuple without showing the entire tuple, or having the printed item(s) surrounded by parenthesis.
What is
CSP procedure defined:
What is
PROCEDURE prodName(parameter1, parameter2)?
The value passed to the parameter
What is Argument(s)?
CSP procedure call:
What is
prodName(arg1, arg2, …)?
This color is a result of the hexidecimal #EEFF00
What is yellow?
A tuple is known for this because it cannot be changed or altered
What is Immutable?