Job Search Stratagies
Anwsering Diffucult Questions
On the Job Success

Should you notify your references before listing them on a job application?

Absolutley! We live in the era of spam calls. If you want them to support you, support them by giving them the info and heads up. 


What online application provides essential labor market information about careers? 

ONET and Career EDGE

Should you have questions prepared to ask your interviewer? 

Yes! After "Do you have any qustions for me?" You should absolutly have questions ready that will engage further with the employer and provide you with further insight to demonstrate your value added. 


Do you have send a thank you note or message after your interview?

Yes! This provides more oppurtunity for you to stand out and provide more follow up on how your value adds to the organization. 


T OR F: What you do does not only affect you.

True! Whether we mean to or not, our attitude influences others around us--whether negative or positive. 


Should the resume be just one page? 

Ideally, yes--unless explicitly mentioned otherwise. You only have so long to grab the recruiter's attention.


What is one of the biggest hinderances in job searching?

A mind not open to oppurtunity. 


What is one of the most common questions asked in an interview? 

Tell me about yourself


Should you wear a tie to your interview? 

Do your research first! Not all company cultures vibe with business professional attire. 


What is one way to show initiative? 

Take advantage of education or training on the job or offered by the company. 


On average, how long do recruiters spend looking at resumes on the first look? 

6-10 seconds


Is Social Media helpful or hurtful in terms of job searching and applying? 

It could be both! A well managed social media account can be a great tool for job searches. Be mindful of what you post!


Do you need to do any preperation or research before an interview? 

YES! It will be odvious and works agaisnt helping you to appear as a serious candidate. 


Can previous employers be benefitial to your current job? 

Absolutley! Continuing to cultivate relationships with previous employers, when possible also strengthens your network and support system. 


Should your resume include "References Avaliable Upon Request"?:

No! It is implied that this is true. 


What should you do if you don't know the awnser to a question? 

Tell the truth! Admit when you are unsure about something but always also pair it with reflection or analysis from a point that you do know. 


When does the interview begin? 

As soon as you walk in the door. 


If you are supposed to clock in at 8:30 am, what time should you walk in the door? 

"on-time" is actually atleast 5-10 minutes early so that you are ready to role when the clock flips over. 


What is most important to include in a resume being submitted to an online database? 

As many buzzwords and phrases that are applicable and releventto the job description/ job posting. 


___% of all opportunities are found in the hidden job market. It takes inside information to hear about these jobs. 



How do you discuss an unpleseant event/situation when addressing concerns in an interview? 

Be transparent and provide reflection/analysis on what that experience taught you or allows you to now see/do differently. 


What determines 45% of a job seeker's success in an interview? 

Packaging and Apperance


T OR F: When met with high stress situations, it is best to zoom through the task/conversation. 

False. It is best to as much as possible to slow down, be intentional, and be mindful of the process or action at hand. 
