Unit 1 Texts
Writing and Mechanics
Language Arts MISC

What was "You Are The Electric Boogaloo" about? (summarize in 1-2 sentences) 

A man wrote his younger self a letter talking about how being embarrassed in the moment many years ago made him who he is now. He is now great with living life as himself. 


Correct this sentence: 

i didnt no you were sick she said surprised

"I didn't know you were sick!" she said surprised.


What is a theme?

The moral or life lesson of a piece of writing. 


From your knowledge of the suffix -ous (which means FULL of), what is the most likely meaning of the word disastrous?
a. the quality of disaster
b. characterized by disaster
c. similar to disaster
d. unlike a disaster

B- Characterized by disaster


How. tall is Ms. Adams?

5' 7"


What was the poem "Hanging Fire" or "Translating Grandfather's House" about? 

"Hanging Fire" is about a girl that is going through puberty and realizing that growing up is not as easy/great as being a kid. "Translating Grandfather's House" is about an immigrant drawing his Grandfather's house and he is pressured into conforming because his teacher calls him a liar. 


When would you use a semicolon? ;

When connecting short, independent sentences that are very closely related. 


What were the 5 books you could have chosen for SSR this unit?

The House on Mango Street
The Little Princess
The Outsiders
Little Women


Read the following sentences.

After 15 minutes of circling, it was clear that we were in the wrong place, but Diana refused to stop and ask for directions or even admit that we were lost. Sometimes she can be so bullheaded. 

The word bullheaded takes its meaning from qualities associated with an animal, the bull. Which of the following is the best meaning of bullheaded in these sentences?

a. disorganized
b. stubborn
c. strong
d. angry

B- Stubborn


What is an idiom?

An expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words but must be learned as a whole.


What happens in "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World"?

A father and son argue about if the son should leave his childhood home and farm in Zimbabwe. The farm is failing, and the son wants to make his own life. The father believes this means certain death for the son, but the son believes his education has prepared him. The son agrees to see a man in town that will bless him with charms to keep him safe. However, this is meaningless to the son. 


When would you use a dash? - 

They are used to insert a thought abruptly to your writing. 

The actors bowed—except for the horse—knowing they blew everyone away!


Give me 5 adjectives that describe the holiday Halloween 



Read the following sentence.

When Doctor Masden stepped to the stage to accept the award, he stopped to appreciate the moment, knowing that he had reached the pinnacle of his career.

The word pinnacle comes from a Latin word referring to part of the roof of a house or other building. Given this information, choose the most likely meaning of pinnacle in the sentence.
a. high point
b. structure
c. path home
d. shelter

A- High Point 


How many ribs do MOST adult humans have?

12 pairs 


Who or what is the antagonist in "The Medicine Bag"?

The grandchild's embarrassment of the Grandfather Society


Read these sentences, which appear underlined in the nonfiction narrative.

I was hoping to finish the trimming and be done. After I got to talking with Mr. Jenkins, I found it hard to tear myself away.

Which transition word or phrase could best be used with these sentences to show contrast?
a. also
b. however
c. for example
d. most of all

B- However 


When would you use swum vs. swam?

Swum is the past participle of swim. It is only used when following the word "have". 

He would have swum yesterday, but he was exhausted. 


From your knowledge of the Greek root psych- (meaning mind), what is the most likely meaning of psychobiology?
a. field of biology related to the body
b. field of biology related to the mind
c. field of biology related to social groups
d. field of biology related to chemistry

B. Relating to the mind


What is ONE of Ms. Adams' dogs' names?

Fabio or Marti


What happened in "Red Roses"?

A girl keeps getting gifts from a boy, and she does not like it. However, when she receives roses she carries them around all day in order not to embarrass him. They never spoke again. 

Ms. Adams did not like this story. 


Revise the following sentence from active (present) to passive (past) voice. Leave out unnecessary information.

Unknown factors delayed the 9:15 train from Pittsburgh.

The 9:15 train from Pittsburgh was delayed. 


What is the rule for how many commas you need when separating items in a series?

Take the total number of items and subtract 1. 


What are context clues and why are they important to vocabulary?

They are clues hidden around the unknown word (clues within the sentence). These help you understand the word. 

These are important because they can help you make an educated guess on what the meaning of a word is. 


What is this an example of?

The old man was like a child when he watched cartoons. 

A simile 
