Period 1
Period 2.1
Period 2.2
Period 3
Class Review

The exchange in goods between the New and Old Worlds after European colonization 

What is Columbian Exchange?


Written for, and by, the first Pilgrims, this historical document was a huge step towards self-government due to its establishment of majority rule

What is "The Mayflower Compact" 


Founding a branch of Separatism called "Puritanism", John Winthrop established THIS strict, religiously intolerant colony, in Massachusetts Bay that was meant to be a perfect moral example for New England

What is "City Upon a Hill" 


The Sons of Liberty, the Boston Tea Party, the Boston Massacre, the Tyranny of King George III, the Proclamation line of 1763, and the failure of the Olive Branch Petition are all said to be factors for THIS type of cause for the American Revolution 

What is "political"


The amount of time given to write 1 SAQ on the AP exam

What is 12 minutes?


This is ONE major (negative) impact of European contact on the Native Americans After Columbian Exchange 

What is smallpox/syphillus/disease 


This Act was created in order to grant religious freedom to all Christians (excluding Jewish) in the hopes that freedom to worship for catholics would be protected with an increase in Protestantism in the colony 

Maryland Act of Toleration 1649


Dissenters of the Mass. Bay colony, such as Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson, led to the foundation of THIS colony

What is Rhode Island?


The debt acquired after the 7 years war, Englands policy of mercantilism, the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act are just some examples of THIS type of cause for the American Revolution 

what is "Economic"


The acronym used to help Ms. Millers students write an SAQ

What is R.A.G.E

This region of America was home to the Sioux, Cheyenne and Apache tribes, who lived semi-nomadic lifestyles, roaming for their major food source, the Buffalo 

What is the Great Plains Region?


This Rebellion was sparked over conflicts with Native Americans over land in the Virginia Colony and lead to an increase in the use of African Slave Labor

What is Bacons Rebellion?


This revolutionary fellow performed traveling sermons to his congregation, preaching for an importance of individualized and diversified religion through the colonies in the First Great Awakening

Who is John Edwards

The Great Awakening, Enlightenment Thinkers, The Boston Tea Party, and the dissolution of Salutary Neglect are just a few of THIS type of factor that lead to the American Revolutionary War

What is "Social"


The acronym used to help Ms. Millers students "source a document"

What is C.H.I.P.P


This region of America housed the Pueblo tribe, who lived in settled establishments of adobe cliff dwellings that thrived in this arid, desert environment 

What is the Southwest?


This economic policy relied on the use of slave labor from African to farm the raw materials in the colonies, all for the profit of the Mother Country

What is Mercantilism ?


Fought over land in the Ohio River Valley, This war resulted in The Proclamation line of 1763 and the increase in taxation towards the colonists 

What is the 7 years or French and Indian War?


Inspired by Thomas Paines "Common Sense", this founding historical document explained the "breakup" between the colonies and England  

What is "The Declaration of Independence"


The periods in which Ms. Millers students Midterm SAQ's will come from 

What are periods 1 and 3?


These crops could be said to have lead to the beginning of the African American Slave trade due to colonial mercantile policies 

What are Sugar Cane and tobacco?


This set of Acts enforced the Triangular Trade by restricting trade among the North American Colonies

What is the Navigation Acts?

This historical man did just about everything EXECPT for becoming president, including creating the "Join or Die" political cartoon for the Albany Congress to unite the colonies during the 7 years war

Who is Ben Franklin


This truce protected Loyalists, while giving land to the Miss. River and west, Great Lakes and North, and Spanish Florida, to the now, formally recognized independant Americans 

The Treaty of Paris 1783


The best APUSH teacher in Pocomoke High School

Who is Ms. Miller?
