What year was World of Warcraft released?
What artifact did Sylvanas Windrunner break to open a way into the Shadowlands?
The Helm of Domination
What is the name of the moon goddess worshipped by many Night Elves?
What legendary sword is often linked in Trade Chat following the phrase “Did you say…?” (Full name)
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
How many classes have a Battle Rez ability?
5; Death Knight, Druid, Paladin, Shaman, Warlock
What is the name of the inn in Goldshire?
The Lion’s Pride Inn
Which realm is famous for its Goldshire roleplaying communities?
What is the name for the species of dog-like creatures often used as hunting companions to the Maruuk centaurs?
The Bakar
The Arakkoa were inspired by another bird-like race from what 1980's fantasy movie?
The Dark Crystal
Leeroy Jenkins was a character made famous by shouting his own name before charging into combat. What dungeon was his group trying to complete?
Upper Blackrock Spire
Which guild has the most World First records for raiding?
Method (12 World Firsts)
Which zone contains the tallest point in all of Azeroth?
Thaldraszus (Mount Thaldraszus- 11301 feet above sea level)
Other than Bwonsamdi, name one of the major loa worshipped by the Zandalari trolls.
Akunda, Gonk, Kimbul, Krag’wa, Pa’ku, Rezan
Which two faction leaders celebrated their wedding between the events of Shadowlands and Dragonflight?
Lor’themar Theron (blood elves) and First Arcanist Thalyssra (nightborne)
Duel a player of your choice from the other team. The winner gets 500 points.