What good did she see that caused her to hide him the
In the room when he was born light
What did bat paroh send
her maidservent or she reach her hand out and it grew
what is the Qustion to ויקח את בת לוי
Why does it say amram married yocheved
who told amram to remarried youcheved
how do we know moshas speciele
the room lit up when he was bourn
Why did she cover the basket with clay and pitch
So the tzdick will not smell the bad smells
What did moshe see
the pain of b'y
כי טוב הוא what is the Qustion to
What good did she see that caused her to hide him
for the pashat what did bat pharo tell her maid servent
go recheriev the basket
Who Tried to kill moshe
Didn't it already say ויגדל Why does it say it twice
first for his physical growth and the second is referring to growth in importance and reporation
Who are these people
datan and avriam
בחמר ובזפת what is the Qustion to
Why did she cover the basket with clay and pitch
who knew to hide mosha
What rose for moshe which happens to someone else in the chumash
Water Rose for moshe and that happened to yakkov
Why did moshe call the first jew wicked if he did not hit him
even though that he did not hit him he is called a bad person
Why does it say איש and no אישה and we know that datan and aviram saw him
because it is relating to a man as in a dessendens from this mitsri that will convert to being a jew and start a train of jews
את אמתה what is the Question to
What did bat paroh send
what did mosha see the first time he left the palece
a mitsrie hitting a jew
How many kids did moshe have
Why does it say amram married yocheved
amram made a decree that all the men should divorce there wifes but miriam said your rooning the chances of having a girl so amram removed the decree and remarried yocheved
How do you kill with words
he said the full name of hashem
ויגדל משה what is the Qustion to
Why does it say ויגדל twice Didn't it already say it
what did he see the second time he left the palace
a jew about to hit a jew
How does moshe show us that he is a great leader
1.he saved the jew from the mitzri
2.he stop the jew from hitting the other jew
3. he got water for the sheep and the girls