A beverage that requires yeast and hops in the fermentation process
What is Beer?
The show The Office takes place in what city?
Scranton, PA
What is Trunk Maker?
The amount of teams in the MLB.
What is 30?
Just smaller than Russia, this is the smallest of the 5 main world oceans...
What is the Arctic Ocean?
Spirit that can be extracted from Agave.
Ted Lasko brings Rebecca what breakfast item in the morning?
Luxury designer who refused to dress royalty
Who is Coco Chanel?
The amount of panels on a black and white soccer ball.
What is 32?
Weighing an average of 1.1 million pounds, this phenomenon occurs when liquid droplets condensate into a mass in the sky...
What is a cloud?
What is Rum?
Who is the mother on How I Met Your Mother?
Tracy McConnell
Designer luxury brand based out of Italy, that was depicted in a recent Hollywood film
What is Gucci?
The amount of points scored by Michael Jordan in the game known as "the flu game".
What is 38?
The Fujita Scale, divided into six levels of intensity, has been used since 1971 to measure the strength of what natural disaster?
What is a tornado?
The oldest alcoholic beverage known to man
What is mead?
Who is Ruth on New Girl?
Schmidt and Cece's daughter
Luxury brand that was designed to protect people from brutal weather
What is Burberry?
The amount of teams in the NFL that have never won a Super Bowl.
What is 12?
Expanding across 14 million kilometers, this is the largest desert in the world...
What is the Antarctic Desert?
The key ingredient in mead
What is honey?
What company does Tom form after he quits his City Hall job?
Entertainment 720
What is Hermes, established in 1837?
The year in which Maradona scored the "hand of God" goal during the World Cup.
What is 1986?
Among the oldest living organisms on Earf at 4,853 years old, this "thing" bears the name, "Methuselah."
What is a (basin) tree?