McKinney Vento
Lau vs.Nichols
Plyer vs. Doe

What is the definition of a migrant?

 A person who moves from one place to another (and perhaps back and forth).


What is the definition of an Immigrant?

Immigrant often implies that the person is settling in the new place permanently, or at least intends to settle there for a long time.


What is the McKinney Vento Act?

The federal law that protects the educational rights of student's preschool through twelfth grade experiencing housing insecurities.


What is the significance of the Bilingual Education Act?

Bilingual Education Act is the act that provided federal Finanancial incentives to encourage schools to initiate bilingual education programs.


What is the significance of Plyler Vs DOE?

Plyer vs Doe is a court case, where the U.S supreme court strikes down a law denying funding for education to undocumented immigrant children in the U.S.


Why do people migrate?

For Job opportunities

Religious and political freedom

Join Family members.

Economic stability

Protected human rights.


 Temporary Protected Services?

What is a humanitarian program that allows certain nationals of countries to live and work in the United States without visa requirements.


Who is covered under the McKinney Vento Act?

Children abandoned in a hospital.

 Sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship or a similar reason

Living in emergency or transitional shelters

Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations


What is the significance of Lau. vs. Nichols?

Lau v. Nichols affirmed that teaching students in a language they did not understand was not an appropriate education. 


What is the plaintiffs complaint?

Students claimed the equal protection clause under the 14th amendment which says that no state shall deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of laws. 


What is a Sanctuary City?

What is a community that protects undocumented immigrants and refugees from deportation by federal authorities. Sanctuary cities usually only report the immigration status of individuals who have committed serious crimes. 


Who classifies as homeless?

 Individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

 Living a in public or private place not designed for sleeping.

 Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, etc.

 Migratory living in circumstances described above.


What was the outcome of Lau vs Nichols?

 The case prompted the U.S. Department of Justice to issue the "Lau Remedies," which require schools to remove language barriers to learning.


What did Texas state school districts attempt to do to stop undocumented immigrant children from attending school?

They attempted to charge an annual 1,000-dollar tuition fee for each student to make up for lost state funding.


What is the difference between migrant and immigrant?

When the word migrant is used to refer to an immigrant, it often implies that the person may not be able to stay permanently due to being subject to removal by the government of that country.


What does homeless instability look like?

What is staying temporarily with family or friends?

 What is living in a hotel, vehicle, shelter or couch surfing?

What is living in inadequate or unsafe living conditions?


How did the 14th amendment apply to the case?

The U.S supreme court felt that by not letting the children be able to attend school for something out of their control or even at all was a violation of the 14th amendment.


What does The McKinney Vento Act Provide?

What is 

School Stability Academic

✓ School Access

✓ Immediate Enrollment

✓  Free Meals

✓  Title I Services


What was the court's decision?

In June 1982, the Supreme Court issued Plyer vs. Doe, a landmark decision holding that states cannot constitutionally deny students a free public education on account of their immigration status.
