Personality Disorders
Childhood Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Final Exam Info

Which approach should the nurse use to maintain a therapeutic relationship with a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD)?

What is being firm, consistent, and empathic while addressing specific client behaviors


Which finding would a nurse expect when assessing a child diagnosed with separation anxiety disorder?

The child’s mother was stressed during the pregnancy.


A client with schizophrenia spectrum disorder presents with bizarre behaviors and delusions. Which nursing action should be prioritized to maintain this client’s safety?

What is note escalating behaviors immediately.


A client with a history of major depressive episodes describes experiencing hypomanic moods occasionally throughout adulthood. The mood episodes are not linked to substance use. The client denies that hypomania causes significant impairment in social or occupational functioning. Which diagnosis best fits this client?

Bipolar II Disorder


A client requests information on several medications in order to make an informed choice about management of depression. A nurse would provide this information to facilitate which ethical principle?

What is autonomy?


Which physically healthy adult client should a nurse identify as exhibiting the characteristics of a dependent personality disorder?

What is lives with parents and relies totally on public transportation


Which would the nurse identify as risk factors related to family dynamics for predisposition to a conduct disorder?

What is economic stressor?


The nurse asks the client with schizophrenia spectrum disorder, “Do you receive special messages from certain sources, such as the television or radio?” The nurse is assessing which potential symptom of this disorder?

What is delusion of reference?


The client with bipolar disorder refuses to take lithium carbonate (Lithobid) because of excessive weight gain. In order to increase adherence, which anticonvulsant medication should the nurse be prepared to administer?

What is valproic acid (Depakote)?


Which is the most essential task for a nurse to accomplish prior to forming a therapeutic relationship with a client?

What is clarify personal attitudes, values, and beliefs?


The nurse is composing a treatment plan for a client with borderline personality disorder (BPD). The nurse recognizes that which of the following therapies has proven most effective as a first-line treatment for clients diagnosed with BPD?

What is dialectical behavioral therapy

When planning care for a client, which medication classification would a nurse recognize as effective in the treatment of Tourette’s syndrome?

What is antispychotic medication?


The client diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorder tells a nurse about voices commanding him to kill his ex-spouse. Which nursing diagnosis is priority for this client?

What is risk for violence directed towards others?


The nurse presents a staff development session about the various challenges in the treatment of clients diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Which factor should the nurse include that is an essential component of relapse prevention?

What is medication adherence?


Which statement best describes the classification of suicide?

What is suicide is a behavior?


Looking at a slightly bleeding paper cut, the client screams, “Somebody help me quick! I’m bleeding. Call 911!” The nurse should identify this behavior as characteristic of which personality disorder?

What is histrionic personality disorder?


is defined as the trait of acting without reflection and without thought to the consequences of the behavior. This trait is common in clients exhibiting symptoms of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

What is impulsivity?


Which action would the nurse take to establish a trusting relationship with a client diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorder?

What is be reliable, honest, and consistent during interactions?


The nursing instructor is teaching about bipolar disorders. Which symptom should the instructor include that is present during a manic episode but is absent in hypomania?

What is psychosis?


An older client has recently moved to a nursing home. The client has a sad affect, trouble concentrating, and socially isolates. A physician believes the client would benefit from medication therapy. Which medication would the nurse most likely administer to the client?

What is Sertraline (Zoloft)


personality disorder is characterized by extreme sensitivity to rejection and consequently a very socially withdrawn life.

What is avoidant personality disorder?


A client is diagnosed with moderate intellectual developmental disorder. Which developmental characteristic would the nurse identify as typical of a client diagnosed with moderate intellectual developmental disorder?

What is a client's motor development may be limited to gross motor activities


The client diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorder tells the nurse, “I’m sad that the voice is telling me to stop seeing my psychiatrist.” Which symptom is the client exhibiting?

What is command hallucinations?


is an alteration in mood that is expressed by feelings of elation, inflated self-esteem, grandiosity, hyperactivity, agitation, racing thoughts, and accelerated speech.

What is mania?


These are examples of what?

Persecutory—belief that one is going to be harmed by other(s)

Referential—belief that cues in the environment are specifically referring to them

Grandiose—belief that they have exceptional greatness

Somatic—beliefs that center on one’s body functioning

What are delusions?
