What is the most popular website opening every day on smartphones?
What is the most common reason for a broken computer?
water spilt on keyboard
What gender did the first programmist have?
What is the main reason for people to use marketplaces?
don't want to shop themselves
normally people blink 12 times a minute. How many times a minute does a person using a gadget blimks?
What is more powerful - a modern phone or a computer on a spaceship that went to Moon?
A phone
The password for nuclear weapons in Pentagon for 8 years was ... before changed.
The creator of this social media is colourblind, so the logo is blue
This marketplace started as an online book shop
How many young people have problems with sleep now in comparison to 2007?
How many times a day people take out and unblock their phones?
Microsoft put in Solitaire in every computer powered by them for this
to teach how to use computer mouse
What wasthe first computer mouse made of?
This marketplace is the most popular in Russia, the founder was an English teacher, who is now one of the richest women in the world
What is called nomophobia?
Fear of being without a mobile phone
25% of all people's searces have this word to help find content
What was the first webcam created for?
to chack if there was coffee in the office
What is the most populat topic to look for on Pinterest?
Where do things that were not taken after an online orders go?
to lanfills, it's cheaper
How many % of people usually put USB the wrong side up every day?
Which country introduced waterproof smartphones?
In 1936 in Russia was created a computer that used this to work
This reason to post something on social media has 30% people
because they are bored
What is the largest marketplace in the world?
How much will you get paid if you find come insecurity in Facebook's system?